Saturday, December 21, 2024

Mailing cookies, sled from the 70's, Memory tree, and a belt.

I was trying to find a recipe for gingerbread boys in my grandmother's old Betty Crocker cook book from the late 40's early 50's.  I came across this information for "Packing cookies successfully for mailing."  

Maybe the post office had the time to be more careful with packages back then .  But, I wonder if anyone was able to open a mailed box of cookies without them being in crumbs for the most part.


A couple of summers ago my husband was cleaning out the wood lot and came across our old sled.  He was going to take it to the dump but I convinced him to clean it up so it could be use to decorate.  He wanted to paint the runners etc. but I like it just like it is.  I think it could use a mini-quilt hanging.  I've  also thought about putting a wreath on it instead.  But, for right now I'm just enjoying the memories it invokes and it makes me smile.

Our Christmas tree is decorated with memories this year.  There is an ornament I made when I was nine years old.  There is a picture of my deceased sister.  The Christmas tree ornament below and to the right of the mittens is a new memory this year.  It is from our son and his family who have been transferred to Hawaii.  It lists all our children with our little boy who died when he was 3 yrs. as the star.

There are two ornaments that were on our first tree back in 1973.  And there are homemade ornaments from my mother.  

And this is Shane's belt from when he was about 7 yrs.  We went to the mall so the kids could visit Santa one year  There was no line and the minute Shane saw Santa he opened his arms wide and walked down the whole long aisle ready to give Santa a big hug.  When he got on Santa's knee he was asked what he wanted. 

 "A belt" he cheerfully said.  

That's all he asked for and I saved the belt.  It goes on the tree every year.  He is 47 now and looks like Santa with his tummy 😁.

As far as quilting goes, I finished quilting the Flowers quilt by Linda Brannock.  I need to bind it but that will have to wait till after Christmas.

And, my grandson, age 12, is in charge of the family Christmas eve party this year.  He has requested that we tie a quilt as part of the activities.  So that's another quilt top getting done.  I think that takes me down to only 8 unfinished quilt tops.  Wahoo!!!

The quilt we are tying next week.

One of my other sons got a new puppy for Christmas, a golden doodle.  His well beloved dog died in September and now he's starting a new chapter.  I'm happy for him.  Puppies are always an adventure.

I like what Dr. Pol said about getting a new dog.  "You'll never get the same dog back but that doesn't mean that you won't love them just as much and become attached to them."

I think I'm almost prepared for Christmas.  I just need to make Swiss Christmas Bread (Challah), my ancestry is Swiss.  And I need to clean (my least favorite part).  

Love to all,


  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...