I absolutely loved the post on Spiral's blog this morning. You can just feel the joy in her written word as she describes things coming together after a long long year.
I don't really feel like 2020 was necessarily wasted here at my house. I feel like I learned a lot about myself. And I've accepted things about my personality that I've tried to fix or remove in the past. I'm more focused on the things that are important in the long run. I've stopped anxiously making my house ready for that unexpected visitor (that never came last year). It is so freeing - is that a word?
I also accomplished a lot toward organizing my boxes and boxes of family history that I inherited when my mother died 22 years ago. It was a mammoth project but luckily I had a whole year to devote to it. I'm in the process of writing a short biography of my mother (just 10 pages) and then I can box it all up for the next generation. And, they will be in a lot better shape than I was when they go through it because most of the pictures are LABELED.
I have also compiled and transcribed all my journals so they are all in one (well, three) notebook.
The only thing I have left is one box to go through, sort it in 6 piles for my 6 children, and pass it on.
I've tried to use the time to learn, to improve, to be a good companion to my husband. I'm not perfect, (that's still going to take some work) but I've tried to be better. I've learned more about him too because we've had the same schedule day after day. He's still interesting, annoying, and wonderful.
I'm a little anxious to go out into the world again. I'm an introvert by nature, so going out in crowds has never been one of my favorite things. But, I think I'll find more things to appreciate, more smiles, more laughter, more freedom, more variety, more hope. I think I'll even cherish the sad, the dirty, the uncomfortable because it means we're together.
What have you learned this past year while you had to stay home?
As I went through my pictures from last year to find a few to put in this post. . . they are almost all just quilting pictures. There are not very many pictures of people, 5 maybe. I think that's really telling of what the year was like.