Monday, May 9, 2016

A head start on my summer goal

If I had my way I'd be quilting all day, every day, (except Sunday) and would be doing a daily show 'n tell here on the blog.  Wouldn't that be amazing?

Well, I can't complain.  I do quilt most days at the frames and can do applique a few days a week.

 But, most of my attention lately has been assembling photos from years past.  The stack above is from 2002.  You can see a new daughter-in-law, my sister and I at the last of the 14 quilt shops (Village Dry Goods in Brigham City, Ut) in the Wasatch Front Shop Hop. There's a signed picture of Jim Shea who won Gold in the skeleton event in the 2002 Olympics here in the Salt Lake area. My daughter#1 is there with two other competitors who went to the Goodwill Games in Venezuela and she won Gold in Karate.  There's always eating pictures because we seem to gather frequently around food.

I am determined to get caught up.  It is so different now that we have digital pictures.  I lost quite a few pictures when my computer crashed in 2008.  Thanks goodness others were taking pictures too.

I think I'm going to continue to do albums (not scrapbooking - just labeled photos) through 2010 and then I'm going to compile the pictures and order books from Shutterfly or similar places.

After I finish my family I'll go on to me as a child.  Thank goodness there aren't quite as many pictures there.  

And then it's on to my parents' family pictures.  It's a big big project............................  but, won't I feel good when it's all done.?

The bonus is remembering all the sweet and tender memories we have made as a family.  The things that make us who we are.

Love my family,

1 comment:

Janet O. said...

Oh, you make me feel guilty, Robin. I walked away from scrapbooking many years ago when I quit teaching it at a local scrapbook store. My kids' books end at their eighth birthday. How bad is that? I applaud your determination!
I should follow your lead and just label pictures in a book.

Do you remember this quilt?

  This quilt called "Timeless Treasures" by Mabeth Oxenreider came out in the American Patchwork & Quilting magazine in June o...