Saturday, August 13, 2016

a couple of intermediate finishes

I finished appliqueing one of the four August blocks for the 1857 quilt.  It turned out better than I thought it would and that is always a bonus.

Do you like my make-shift ironing board?  It's a bread board with a wash cloth.
Hey, it works!

I'm starting the most difficult of the four blocks.  It has intertwining circles to make up a larger circle.  It can't easily be done with back basting applique which is my preferred method.  So I am trying the starch basting applique.  I just happened to have some "Ultimate Applique Template Paper" by Pearl P. Pereira Designs that is thicker and a little waxier than freezer paper.

Donuts for the next 1857 block.

I hope it turns out alright.  And, isn't as tedious as I expect it to be.
I'm doing it in a pink/yellow combination.  The yellow looks very gold in the picture but it's the back side of the fabric and not an accurate representation.

Now, on to the border.

I finished the applique lettering on the aptly name "Zip a dee doo dah" quilt top.  I needled turned the letters and it was pretty awkward in the center of the lines.  If doing this starch basting method turns out, I will probably use it when I need lettering again.  I know many of you already do this but it's a new technique for me.

Have a nice Sunday,


Karen said...

I like that you centered the design of the blue fabric in the center of your 1857 block. Block is very pretty and well done.

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

That first 1857 blocks looks wonderful! I am half way through that one and not looking forward to those donuts :) I have not even started the prep for that but I promised myself only 2 blocks per month going forward unless I felt like more...

That quilt of yours is a fun one ! :)

Freezer paper...I usually trace out my shapes on one piece, then iron it to another, or even 2 more if I am going to use that template alot....much thicker and easier that way.

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Oh that block looks like a very challenging applique block. I like back basting too so I look forward to your progress on this one. It's good to know more than one technique, they sure come in handy

Quilter Kathy said...

You are doing a fantastic job on these 1857 blocks! Really! I love your blocks and the fussy cutting on this one makes it even more interesting! Good luck with the donuts!

maggie fellow said...

beautiful applique - I'm also a member of the church in Indiana. My daughter lives in Payson Utah.

Deb A said...

Wow! Your blocks are looking fabulous. I have yet to print off the August ones... that donut one has me so intimidated. Please pass on any tips as you make it please.

CathieJ said...

I like the fussy cutting on your appliqued block. I am looking forward to seeing those circles put together. Enjoy your stitching.

Janet O. said...

A whole post of multiple applique projects! I am in awe!!
I really like your happy quilt with the lettering. : )

Nancy said...

That first block is just beautiful. I'm thinking it was in a Brackman Civil War book, maybe called Order No. 8 (or 7, or some such). It is one I would love to make but I think I have to hone my applique skills before attempting it.

Your nine-patch with the lettering is such fun. The blocks are vibrant, perfect for the meaning of the lettering you're adding.

--Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...