Friday, December 30, 2016

Is quilting really on the wane?

After reading Barbara Brackman's post yesterday I was a little sad.

 I knew the ever expanding quilt industry wouldn't last forever but it was a downer to read some of the statistics from last year.

It doesn't discourage me, just makes me sad.

I admit I don't spend as much on books and fabric as I used to.  Part of the reason is because I have a large stash but the main reason is because I am a traditional quilter who likes reproduction fabrics

and patterns and my local fabric shops/magazines are catering more to those who like the trendy colors and themes.

Kate Spain - cute but not me.

But, I have to tell myself that they are catering in that direction because the quilters who like that are the ones spending the money.  Makes perfect sense.

Also the many of the new patterns that are available are too simple and too "easy" for me.  I want a challenge, I want something intricate.

I guess they are trying to attract beginner quilters
I love the ideas that are coming out of Australia.  They seem to be going in lots of interesting directions.

Midnight at the Oasis by Jen Kingwell Designs
Jen Kingwell makes some interesting patterns

I appreciate designers like Barbara Brackman, Betsy Chutchian, Jo Morton, and many many more who are still carrying the banner of "preserving the past".  They haven't given up on quilters like me and I haven't given up on them.   In fact, there is a new book I've got my eye on because of the pine tree quilt on the cover.  Warming up to cheddar has taken me a long time but it sure makes this quilt sparkle.

Here is the book.

Regardless of the trends, I'm not giving up on quilting.  I have many more fabrics to piece and stitches to make before I'm finished!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

What's happening around here

I collected all the hexagon pieces I have finished and spread them out to see what I had.  I liked it so well I decided to start sewing them together so I didn't loose the arrangement.

They are upon a different quilt that is on the bed.  It's not all one quilt.

Sewing these pieces together is not for the faint of heart.  It's darn hard.  I've seen some big hexagon quilts and I have a new admiration for the makers!!!  I've decided to sew the units together as I finish them so it doesn't feel like such a big job in the end.   I've still got a bunch more to make.

I'm sure it would be easier to store a stack of blocks instead of this gangly bit of piecing but it will work out better as I go along.  I've only got 4 more of the 15 finished blocks to put together.

I've been getting some of the cookie and candy making done.  The snowballs (Mexican Wedding Cookies) are already gone.  I didn't really eat them all myself.  I had ALOT of help.

The fudge and peanut brittle are disappearing fast too.  I usually cut the fudge into what I call "logs" and then wrap it in foil.  It makes it easy to grab one and share when I'm out visiting or unexpected guests arrive.  I keep them in the freezer so they stay fresh for a long time.

I have a window on my new back door.  I bought 2 bundles of selvage edged fabric strips a few years ago.  This is from the 12 days of Christmas by Kate Spain.  I sewed the lower group together with the selvages showing last year and then never go back to it.

This week I decided I needed to get busy so I cut the selvages off the rest of the strips and sewed them together.  Then I sewed it together as shown and decided I didn't really need to quilt and bind it because then the light would show through better.  So I just made a sleeve in the top and hem it on the other three sides.

It kind of looks like stained glass.  It's just what I was looking for.

 I decorated my hutch with snowmen and snow related ornaments (and silver reflective things) this year.  I had some lights left over from one of the weddings a few years back.  So I put it under my batting/snow and it came together.

It's the time of year my DH and I love to do puzzles.  He's been sick (in bed) all week long with some ornery flu.  I hope he can "rise and shine" soon so we can continue on.

This is the gift my SIL sent us.  She ordered the Joan Walsh Anglund print online and then put it into a shadowbox and embellished it with a bow on the light post and glitter.  She also included the church, snowman, trees, and deer.  It is absolutely darling.

My only picture of the Super Moon.  I took this picture 2 days before it was full.  It came up as the sun (reflecting on the mountain-tops) was setting.  The sky was completely overcast the night the moon was full.

And finally some progress on my "Peppermint Quilt".  It's slow going but I'm enjoying every minute.

Hope you are well and truly enjoying the season.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Christmas Season Afternoon

a little dark so the quilting can be seen

I worked on this quilt in the hoop this morning.  It's nice to be quilting something Christmasy and not be in a hurry to finish.  This one stays here when it's done.

The weather has been so warm that one of our iris' decided to bloom.  My DH brought it in before the snowstorm last Monday.  And, yes, I live in the northern hemisphere.

It was a day to make Christmas cookies.  I haven't made sugar cookies for 2yrs.  It was way past time.

I think I'll make a batch of fudge before I completely poop-out.
My energy just doesn't last like it used to.
How's you're day?


Just a quick post

 I finished the top for the Ode to the 1930's pattern by Lori Smith. that I made in Thimbleberries fabric instead.  It turned out great....