Friday, December 2, 2016

Christmas Season Afternoon

a little dark so the quilting can be seen

I worked on this quilt in the hoop this morning.  It's nice to be quilting something Christmasy and not be in a hurry to finish.  This one stays here when it's done.

The weather has been so warm that one of our iris' decided to bloom.  My DH brought it in before the snowstorm last Monday.  And, yes, I live in the northern hemisphere.

It was a day to make Christmas cookies.  I haven't made sugar cookies for 2yrs.  It was way past time.

I think I'll make a batch of fudge before I completely poop-out.
My energy just doesn't last like it used to.
How's you're day?



Sherrill said...

What beautiful quilting you do!! And a lovely tree all nicely decorated! We're finally going to get some cold here--I don't like that. Spent today putting a few plants that needed to be in the ground, putting the 'boobs' on the faucets and bringing firewood up to the covered porch. I HATE winter! HA

Janet O. said...

our quilting is stunning, Robin!
Only two hours away from me and you have blooming iris?!? Mine have completely died back.
Sounds like you had a nice, Christmas-y day. I haven't even decorated my tree (but I do have some of the decorating done).
Let's see, it has probably been at least a decade since I have cut out sugar cookies. Never was my favorite task. I am too lazy to decorate. Drop cookies are more my style! *LOL*

Janet O. said...

That was supposed to say "Your quilting", not "our quilting". : )

Debra @ Life is a Stitch said...

Great quilting and love that block and the Christmas-y red and green!!! Looks like a good and relaxing project for this time of year. Thanks for sharing! I've mixed up some sugar cookie dough and have it chilling. But that's the extent of my efforts so far. Happy Weekend!!

Karen said...

I haven't made sugar cookies in many years. I really like to eat them. Maybe I should make a batch for fun. No kids around to do them with any more.

Miaismine said...

Robin, those cookies look so delicious! And fudge to boot! Yum! Your header is so pretty! Love it!

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

What a beautiful shot of your quilting in the hoop and I wish that I had one of your cookies for a dessert after breakfast! Yum! :)

Ariane said...

Your quilting is beautiful!!! Your baking looks yummy too. I have to bake soon. Time is flying and Christmas will soon be here.

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...