Sunday, April 9, 2017

Doll Swap Quilt Done

I finished hand quilting my Doll Swap Quilt (can't show you yet) and decided to make a little quilt out of the leftovers (above).  It is about 12" X 10".  I machine quilted in the ditch along the vertical stripes and then hand quilted down the center of the stripe.  It turned out so cute.

I rearranged the shelf above my kitchen.  I often decorate for holidays and once it was just full of my bear collection.  But this time I wanted to do nostalgic items.  With a few small quilts thrown in for color and Hey, I'm a quilter.

This is the left side.  I rolled up quilts and put them in my enameled kettle.  I put a small mug rug inside the 1/2 gallon mason jar.  My new little quilt is hung above my beehive muffin pan.  I put that in to balance the color of the cherry pitter on the other side.  Then a hand grinder that was my grandmothers, a 50's metal canister from my MIL's kitchen with a spool of lace on top is put into place.

The center section has once of my favorite pictures of a women with geraniums in her window.  I've probably said this quote before but it is one of my favorites so here it goes again;

"Long experience has taught me that people who do not like geraniums have something morally unsound about them.  Sooner of later you will find them out; you will discover that they drink, or steal books, or speak sharply to cats.  Never trust a man or a woman who is not passionately devoted to geraniums."

From Rhapsody in Green: The Garden Wit and Wisdom of Beverly Nichols

The bird on the nest pin cushion is from my friend Denise and the hurricane lantern is from my sister.

And on the right I have an old yellow ware bowl with a doily made by one grandmother and an old weaving shuttle (?) from the other grandmother inside.  Then I placed my y other cheddar item, the cherry pitter, another lantern of sorts, and an an old photo album etc.  It was fun to put together.

We have had beautiful weather.  The trees are in bloom, the daffodils and tulips are in abundance.

                                   AND THEN IT WENT AND SNOWED LAST NIGHT - GASP!

I'm a bit worried about the plants that were well on their way to spring.  The maple tree above has it's little helicopter seed pods already to disperse.

This lilac is heavy with blooms.

The forsythia had shown it's golden glory and is dropping yellow leaves and replacing them with the green ones.

The thing I'm the most worried about, and it distresses me a lot, is the snow on my wisteria blossoms.  I think I'm going to be disappointed this year - sigh~

But, I haven't given up hope.  Maybe the snow insulated the blossoms so they didn't freeze.  Time will tell.

I linking with Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's quilts.


Karen said...

I have space above cabinets for decorating. I don't have quilts up there as I am not supposed to be on a ladder. I do have a variety of decorations up there and they just got a cleaning by my SIL and set back up there. I enjoyed seeing your decor.

Lori said...

That snow is crazy atop all your lovely blooms! On a better note, I love your little quilt from leftovers! I look forward to seeing the quilt for the swap.
Your decor is really pretty!!

Denise :) said...

Oh my, your poor pretty flora! It really dumped snow on y'all, didn't it? I should quite complaining about our overnight temps into the 40's! I love the way you've decorated your over-the-cabinets space!!! :)

Quilter Kathy said...

OH my goodness that was shocking to see snow on the lilacs.. hope the flowers can recover from that!
ENjoyed seeing how you display some of your quilts!

CathieJ said...

Oh my goodness...snow in April. I hope your plants are alright. I really like how you used your quilts as display above that shelf. I have a large niche above the bathroom and closet doors in my master bedroom. I think I need to add a small quilt up there. It is large enough to hold a child's rocking chair so it should be large enough to hang a quilt. Thanks for the great idea!

Kathy S. said...

Wow on the snow pics.

AnnieO said...

Beautiful scrappy leftover quilt! Love your display treasures, sure wish I had a space like that. Wow, the pics of the snow are pretty, but poor plants !

Janet O. said...

A sweet little creation from your leftovers, Robin. I am curious to see your swap quilt.
LOVE the way you decorated that space with vintage items and little quilts. It looks great!
Oh, my goodness, that quotation about geraniums is perfect for my Mom! She is passionate about geraniums (I grow them, too, but not by the dozens like Mom does). I need to frame that for her, or something.
Your lilacs are blooming?!? Mine are still in bud stage--just barely starting to leaf out. I was looking at them a couple of days ago and wondering if it was too late to move one of them. Snow on Spring flowers--a common sight in Utah (at least it is on this end of the Wasatch Front. Is it on your end?). : )

Sarah said...

Lovely little quilt! Your kitchen decorations look so nice and lovely personal and precious stories with them.

Frances Meredith said...

I have opted out of the swap this year, but like you last year I made one for myself too. Nice work.

Created by Kathi said...

I love your "leftovers" quilt.. such a cutie.. hope to see the swap one if you share it down the road :)
I love love love your kitchen decor... so nice... like you quilts are in about every room of my home too! Thanks for sharing at Kathy's today also!

Anonymous said...

What excited me about your kitchen photo was seeing the Bosch mixer on the counter. Ha, ha! Mine is over 40 years old and still going strong!

BizarreQuilter said...

Gasp. Absolutely adoring your display of mini quilts and sentimental pieces. Ooh yes, I do love a mini quilt.

And the snow pictures are divine. thank you for sharing them.

From subtropical Far North Queensland.

Pam said...

Pretty little quilts and a great concept for your shelf above your kitchen. It is so attractive with all the interesting things you have there as well as the quilts and a great idea that you can change it with the seasons.

Nancy said...

What a sweet quilt you made, Robin. I love how you've decorated the shelf above your kitchen. It looks interesting and inviting -- things I want to touch and hold and investigate. It is sad to see your flowers covered in snow. I hope they survived. Could they possibly have survived?

What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...