Monday, May 29, 2017


I'm trying to do the most work intensive blocks first.  I'm glad this one is over!  It's a beauty but I think I'm glad to go on to the next one (it's a tricky one too).


Linking with Design Wall Monday

Monday, May 22, 2017

More applique and a sweet "thank you" gift

Well. . . I have been sewing like crazy all week.

This is what the spikey basket block from the Roseville Album quilt looked like at the beginning of the week.  Just one spike done with four more plus 27 flowers to go.  (Along with 6 of those little squiggly things that might be leaves or might be spent blossoms.  I can't really tell.

And this is what it looks like today.  I've done 18 of those little flowers and only 9 more to go.

I have a blue spike and a melony pink spike yet to applique.  Then comes the basket and there are birds at each bottom corner.

It doesn't look like anything but bright fabrics at this point but it will look great when it comes all together.  At least that is what I'm hoping.

I hope to finish it this week but we've got a reunion coming up which means cooking and cleaning the house for company.

I'm sure I'll be able to squeeze in some applique time.  (Priorities, you know!)

I received the cutest pair of Dresden coasters from Lyn in Australia.  She was my doll swap recipient and took the time to make and send this "thank you" gift.  Wasn't that the nicest?  It's even hand quilted.  Just so sweet.  I love things that are tiny.  Thanks so much Lyn!

I still haven't got a quilt on the frames.  It's been weeks since I did any hand quilting.  This is so unlike me.  It's usually my respite from the busy things of life.  There's a quilt hanging on the frames and the backing fabric is all pre-shrunk.  Gotta get busy~

Hope the beginning of the week is full of possibilities for quilts and family and food like mine is~

I've linked up with Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts who is now having the link-up on her blog instead of at Patchwork Times by Judy Laquidara who is no longer doing a link-up.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Colorful progress

This is the completed left panel from the Roseville Album Quilt by Kim Mclean.  It is done except for all the circles that can be seen in a picture of the pattern below.  I decided to wait and see what pieces I had left over before I start cutting all those circles.  Looking closely today I noticed they were all pink.  Something to consider.

I glad I chose to do the panel first instead of starting with a block.  First, now I have the equivalent of 3 blocks done and second, I learned a lot about fussy cutting that will help me throughout the rest of the quilt.  I've never sewn with these bright fabrics before and there is so much potential for playfulness and movement.

It's quite an adjustment from the repros I normally sew on.

Some of the fabrics I chose really shine in this panel and others are kind of ho-hum.  But, someone has to sing bass in the choir so the harmony rings true.  I learned a lot.

This is  a picture from the cover of the pattern.  I decided to work on the block on the lower right next.  It looks tricky and I'd just as soon get it out of the way with all those tiny flowers.  But, if you look closely at the pattern below you'll notice that the flowers are the least of my worries.

LOOK at all those wavy lines on the sides of the spikes!  YIKES!

I worked on the spike on the far right this morning.  I was glad I had fresh eyes.

Changing the subject. . . . . last week Karen from Log Cabin Quilter and I were texting back and forth about grandchildren.  They're the best!

Well, they did it Karen, they announced grandchild #13 yesterday!!!

It was a joyous Mother's Day.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

12 Rows of Christmas - done

I was originally going to make this as a wall hanging but I decided to give it to my granddaughter for her birthday.  She is the kind of little girl who delights in holidays and wears Christmas and Halloween clothes year round.

Here is the pattern that I used for the quilt.  You'll notice that I changed a lot of things.  I didn't use homespun for one thing.  I added carolers and gingerbread men, different stars, and a train.

  I think it turned out pretty cute.  There isn't a lot of embellishment except for a few buttons here and there because this quilt will get used and it needs to be washer friendly.

Merry Christmas,

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Doll Quilt Swap Reveal part 2 (It came)

I received the lovely little quilt from Tammy Morrow in Alberta Canada yesterday.  It was well worth the wait.  The colors are each something I would have picked out myself.  The workmanship is exquisite.  And look at that cute border fabric.  I am very pleased.

The label is impressive too.  I'm going to have to look into printing some labels.  This is so much more legible than my hand written ones.

I nestled it inside the drawer of my entry cabinet for a photo.  Doesn't it look cute there?

She also sent this card only the dogs are sitting around a quilt - ha!  And 2 pieces of fabric that I can use in something to remind me of this swap.  Thank you, thank you Tammy.

Thanks to all who participated in the Doll Quilt Swap - ESPECIALLY LORI AT HUMBLE QUILTS.


Our youngest son graduated from Utah State University last Saturday  We woke up to the lovely sky above.

We are so proud of him.  He received his BS in Civil Engineering and already is working in Holladay.

He always does something quirky for pictures................

I think I can pick him out of this group that was pictured on the jumbo-tron.  For someone whose hearing is diminishing slightly, it was nice to have all the speaker's words up there to read too.  I didn't miss a thing.

We had one meeting at 9:30am and another at 2:30pm.  By the time we got out of the 2nd  the thunder cracked and and rain came down.  Look back at the picture of the sunrise I'm thinking, "Red sky in morning, sailor take warning!"


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Doll Quilt Swap Reveal Part I

The quilt has arrived in Australia so I can show it here.  It measured about 18" square.    I didn't get a very good picture of the completed quilt.  The colors look a little muddy in the picture above.

And then, from the leftovers, I made me a little quilt (below)  which I've shown here before.  It is about 12" X 14".  The colors in this little quilt are truer to the original.

I also made a little surprise quilt  for my swap partner.  It is only about 4" X 8".

Then I wrapped it around a little gift and tied it with ribbon.

And this is the surprise inside.  I made a tiny doll for this doll quilt swap.  So the doll that the first quilt was made for - can have a dolly too.

Too fun!

I haven't received my quilt from Canada yet.  I'm haunting the mailbox!!!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Start and then not finish. . .

 GASP!  I found this quilt online last week.  I was totally enamored!!  It's called the Urban Owls Quilt and it's looks like it would be SO fun to make.

I have to be careful.  I just finished a big project and so I'm ready to start another.  Looking for new BOMs is not a safe thing to do.

I've done this before.  Some examples are the 3 books above.

How many have started the Civil War Bride quilt only to have it languishing in a box or on a shelf?

I have wanted to make the Phoebe quilt for years.  I even signed up for a BOM only to get cold feet and cancel it a week later.  I'm sure the quilt shop wasn't very happy with me.  I still love that center.  Maybe, I should just make the center.  I later bought Di Ford's book (pricey but well worth it) Primarily Quilts that has the pattern within.    Primarily Quilts is currently unavailable  at Amazon but Primarily Quilts 2 has recently been published and is available at Quiltmania.

And then there is sweet Dear Jane.  I bought the book, I bought all the rulers, and that's as far as it has gone.  Elaine at Emily's Cupboard has recently started a Dear Jane Quilt.  It's worth a look to see the fabrics she has chosen.  This is her 3rd or 4th attempt to make a Dear Jane Quilt.  She didn't like her earlier fabric choices. She has the "Don't Give Up" attitude.

And then there's this very colorful quilt, the Roseville Album Quilt.  I purchased this pattern while my son was serving a mission in Roseville California in 2010.  It seemed so appropriate. . .

Hmmmm, I see a bump that needs repairing

I worked on the left border for about 2 months and then wasn't enjoying myself so I put it in a box, under the bed, in the downstairs bedroom.

So. . .  to continue this long story, [Drum Roll] I talked myself out of joining the Urban Owls Quilt BOM and decided to work on the Roseville Quilt.

Since working on it seven years ago I've discovered back-basting applique.  It makes doing this quilt and making sure the fussy cut pieces are in the right place so much easier!!!  I worked on the 1857 quilt with Sentimental Stitches and my applique skills improved exponentially.  It's now a delight to work on this quilt.

I can't guarantee I'll finish the whole quilt.  I'm taking it one block or panel at a time.

Please tell me about the quilts you want to make that you haven't gotten around to or tell me about the dreams that got away.  We're all in this together~


I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday on Patchwork Times.  Go check it out.

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...