Monday, May 15, 2017

Colorful progress

This is the completed left panel from the Roseville Album Quilt by Kim Mclean.  It is done except for all the circles that can be seen in a picture of the pattern below.  I decided to wait and see what pieces I had left over before I start cutting all those circles.  Looking closely today I noticed they were all pink.  Something to consider.

I glad I chose to do the panel first instead of starting with a block.  First, now I have the equivalent of 3 blocks done and second, I learned a lot about fussy cutting that will help me throughout the rest of the quilt.  I've never sewn with these bright fabrics before and there is so much potential for playfulness and movement.

It's quite an adjustment from the repros I normally sew on.

Some of the fabrics I chose really shine in this panel and others are kind of ho-hum.  But, someone has to sing bass in the choir so the harmony rings true.  I learned a lot.

This is  a picture from the cover of the pattern.  I decided to work on the block on the lower right next.  It looks tricky and I'd just as soon get it out of the way with all those tiny flowers.  But, if you look closely at the pattern below you'll notice that the flowers are the least of my worries.

LOOK at all those wavy lines on the sides of the spikes!  YIKES!

I worked on the spike on the far right this morning.  I was glad I had fresh eyes.

Changing the subject. . . . . last week Karen from Log Cabin Quilter and I were texting back and forth about grandchildren.  They're the best!

Well, they did it Karen, they announced grandchild #13 yesterday!!!

It was a joyous Mother's Day.


Wendy Caton Reed said...

I think that border is lovely just as it is. I am one who could applique circles all day, but I think this looks just as good without them!

Cathy said...

Oh my goodness...or rather YOUR goodness. That panel is beautiful!

Janet O. said...

Beautiful job, Robin. This is an amazing quilt--very impressive! Even straight lines make me nervous when it comes to applique. Those wavy lines would have me running in the opposite direction.
How fun to learn of another grandchild on the way. Congratulations!

Karen said...

You have used your colors and fabric prints to good advantage. Well done.

Karen said...

I am back looking at your applique and studying the block pattern you have chosen to do next. Sort of like a mini roller coaster with all those little curves to do.

Nancy said...

I love the bright colors you've chosen for that left panel, Robin. All those small pieces and the curves -- you're a marvel! This will be a beautiful quilt!

What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...