Tuesday, January 16, 2018

“Cut my pie into four pieces, I don’t think I could eat eight.” ― Yogi Berra

I made an apple pie this afternoon and have been mesmerized by the steam that is wafting upwards.

So, I though I would share.

Wish you could smell it.  I used Vietnamese cinnamon, a very aromatic cinnamon. 

Waiting for it to cool is both entertaining and exasperating.



Karen said...

I love homemade apple pie!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Thanks, now I am hungry! I love simple things like watching steam rise form a pie. I love that Yogi Berra quote too. Just a little too close to my reasoning! Hope you enjoyed your slice(s)!

Janet O. said...

Oh, you are making my mouth water! I don't make apple pie, but this makes me want to go shopping for pears to make a pie. I have some Vietnamese Cinnamon, but I always forget to reach for that one when I am making the pies. NEXT TIME!
Love the shots of the steam. They are soothing, and mouth watering to observe. :)

Deb from Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I looked at this before lunch and now I don't want lunch, just pie! :) Beautiful pie !

audrey said...

This saying just cracks me up. Perfect for pie and yours looks amazing!

Nancy said...

Your pie -- the crust! -- looks perfectly perfect, Robin! I'm sure you've had a piece by now and I'm sure it was delicious, too. Or maybe you ate it warm, with ice cream?

Ann said...

Yogi Berra's quotes are always funny. Scrumptious pie.

moosecraft said...

Mmmmm...I bet it tastes even better than it looks! :-)

Just a quick post

 I finished the top for the Ode to the 1930's pattern by Lori Smith. that I made in Thimbleberries fabric instead.  It turned out great....