Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Cheerful Spring

WAHOO!  I won this book from Janet at Rogue Quilter.  (Thanks Janet!)  What a delightful book.  The cover quilt is definitely on my "to do" list.

I love the fabrics that are used.  I recognize some of them in my stash .  It is so much fun to anticipate and then shop for repos.  There are some great things out there.   I need to go to LQS soon.

I'm also excited about all the spring flowers.  My Wisteria is just plastered with buds, the biggest ever.  The top picture was taken Sunday and the bottom picture was taken this morning.  They can't bloom soon enough to satisfy me.  I'm watching every micro - inch of growth.  

Last year is was covered with buds too but we received 2 snow storms before it could bloom - sigh~  It did manage to produce small blooms intermittently throughout the summer but I missed out on the giant gorgeous blooms so I'm extra excited this year.  No snow is in the forecast in the 14 day. . .  it should be safe.

DH has outdone himself this spring with all the varieties of daffodils and tulips.  It is just so enchanting.

Even the violets are participating in the joy of warm weather and sunshine.

Hoping you're having a cheerful spring.


Janet O. said...

I'm glad you like the book, Robin.
Makes me want to pull it out and make some of them.
Your hubby appears to have done a great job of bulb planting. Does he hire out? :)
I just got a Wisteria last year--tiny one. Don't know that it survived the winter. But I am hoping the lilac bushes produce well this year. Last year was abysmal.
I enjoyed the shots of Spring in your neck of the woods.

Karen said...

The sashing fabric used on the cover quilt is very interesting. Sort of looks like tree branches.

Nancy said...

Congratulations on winning the book, Robin. It is a wonderful one (but I know only because I've borrowed it several times from the library). One of these days I will choose a quilt to make.

Your wisteria -- oh, wonders at the beauty of those plants. I did not realize the leaves and flowers grow so fast. I hope your area is done with snow so you can enjoy the beauties of your garden.

I'm always sewing something

I made  little set of curtains for my back door.  I love looking out on the backyard but when I come into the kitchen after dark in my night...