Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Close to being done

GOOD NEWS!  I only have 4 more flying geese strips and 3 more setting triangles to hand quilt.

It takes an hour to do one strip.  And, as much as I love the fabric in the quilt, I've really disliked the monotonous straight quilting in the squares.  So, I don't quilt on it as often as I should. 

I've been busy prepping the four corner blocks for the Roseville Album quilt.  I need something to stitch in the car.  I finished the upper right block except for the placement of circles.  This block goes really fast compared to the other more complicated basket blocks and panels.

I have one more basket block and the other three corner blocks and then I can have a life again.  I'll still do the border but that won't be as intense.

Classic Crib Quilts and How to Make Them (Dover Quilting) by [Woodard, Thos. K., Greenstein, Blanche]

Barbara Brackman's blog today was about this little book and one specific block with tulips and princess feathers.  I love tulips in anything.  I didn't realize it till this spring.  I've admired things made with tulips for years (tulips are just a happy flower) but, for some reason, it never occurred to me to incorporate them in a quilt.  (Probably because I'm in UFO mode and making something with tulips would mean starting something new. ) 

This book is available at Amazon

I'm sorely tempted by this BOM by Edyta Sitar at fatquatershop.com

Appliqued Sew in Love Block of the Month ReservationEdyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts for Andover Fabrics

I love the colors and LOOK there's tulips!

I've been thinking about what I want to do after the hand quilting and applique are done.  Part of me wants to start a new quilting project and the other part wants to do something different.  
We''ll see - no pressure to decide yet. . .

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Sweet Land of Liberty month 5

I finished the section for month 5 on the Sweet Land of Liberty SAL.  I wanted to do the tin soldier with his big heart but I made the background too dark for the embroidery to show up so I didn't do it.  I made three different skin colors on my rag doll blocks.  Then, for some reason, I sewed the blue star at an angle which made it difficult to put the flag in the hand of the black doll.  So I scooted it to the right and I think it looks okay.  I sure chose a bright red for that red star didn't I. 

This is the 2nd row of blocks for the quilt with the unit I just made.  I had to replace the lower flying geese piece on the left because the other one was the wrong size.  I also had to reverse the row of small blocks under the big star because I had sewn them so that the little black cat in the blue square was upside down.  Silly, I know, but it kept bothering me.

And here are all the units sewn together.  I had to replace the lower red piece on the basket because it was too much like the border around the pineapple.  I also hadn't appliqued AMERICA yet and so I did that yesterday.  The only thing it's lacks is an eye for the eagle in the upper border.

I am so thankful that Lori is hosting this SAL.  I've wanted to make this quilt for a long time and this SAL is just the motivation I needed.    Because I started it 5 yrs. ago, I have (what I think will be) the next unit done already.  It doesn't hurt to be a little ahead in case some summer activities prevent me from keeping up.

I finished another block for the Roseville album quilt (no picture).  It turned out so busy.  But, like every other block I've made, once it mingles with the rest - it seems to fit right in.

Now I only have one more center basket block and the four corner blocks.  The end is in sight and it makes me excited.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Same old same old

But, at least I'm getting things done.  I finished the fruit basket block  And now it's on to the next one.

I've been waiting to use this purple flower fabric ever since I started the quilt.  Finally I found a place so I could use it.  This is going to be a fun block to do (except for more reverse applique).  The flower on the left has one stripe down the middle and two stripes on the side of reverse applique - sigh.

 I'm still working on this quilt in the hoop.  You can see the masking tape where I am quilting a straight line.  Just two more center squares and then it's the outside setting triangles.

And now the last pictures of my wisteria.  It really put on a show!!

This is the upper portion to the left in the first picture.  Too beautiful for words. . . . .


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Another project

You know how sometimes you can't help yourself?

Well, I've been wanting to make this little piece for weeks.  It has baskets and chickens and TULIPS! I just got the center glued on and the outside squares cut out.  It's a pattern by Cheri Payne called Jane's baskets. No needle turn on this one.  I want to finish it before spring is over

Wisteria update

It was 37 degrees when I got up.  
That seriously is colder than I'm comfortable with for these flowers.

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...