Friday, July 23, 2021

A happy discovery

 I was so sorry to hear that Barb Adams of Blackbird Designs had passed away.  She died just before her 70th birthday.  

I have always looked forward to Blackbird Designs new fabric lines and books.  But,  they have mostly concentrated on their cross stitch patterns the last few years so I figured maybe they weren't making any more lines.


I discovered this new line by Blackbird Designs but it doesn't come out till next February.  

I am still delighted!

I hope there is a book of patterns to go along with it.

It makes me feel a little less sad about Barb's passing. 

 I needed something to look forward to.


Saturday, July 17, 2021

Gotta whale of a tale

Well (Whale?) it's finished.  It's one of those quilt tops that I like well enough that it doesn't matter whether anyone else likes it on not.  It was a delight to make.  It's such a different color scheme from what I usually choose but it makes me happy.  It measure 80" X 91" and is much bigger than I thought it would become.

I didn't have any one to hold it up for me so all my photos are taken from my lawn.  This is the top half.

And this is the bottom half of the quilt top from one angle showing off the spiral.  It would have been a lot easier if I had decided what to applique before I attached the borders but I still couldn't sew the whales on until the very end.  

And this is the bottom half of the quilt top showing how long the whale is.  I've considered sewing an eye on the whale but it's not supposed to be exact - it's just a representation.

This is the best picture I could get of the whole quilt top.  I find it a little amusing that I made a quilt top about the ocean when we are so deep into a drought.

 I put the leftover fabric into a big tote and I definitely have enough to make another large quilt top. 
 So. . . .
               no more purchasing Janet Clare fabric for a while.

I was sitting in my bedroom when I heard this commotion outside my window.  I knew it was birds but was surprised to find two mail quail fighting it out right beneath my bedroom window.    

These pictures are taken through the screen on the window.  

They figured out their problem and the winner is pictured above.


Here are some of the chicks with the male.  They just sat there for quite a while once the spat was resolved.

Hope you're having a great day,

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Just a little update

  Blogger is acting weird and I can't get my pictures and words like normal.  So, it will be few words.  I finished the blocks and put them all together with dark corner stones.  It is such lovely fabric but it didn't do anything for me.  So, long story short, I found some coral colored fabric and replaced half of the dark cornerstones.  I think it makes the quilt sparkle.  Now I'm working on the applique for the borders.

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...