Monday, January 24, 2022

January stitching

I've been working 6 days a week on my Cheddarback quilt (which I call Children's Hour).  There is still a bunch to do, It's  almost 3/5ths of the way complete.  The quilting is turning out to be interesting and fun.

Just a little picture of the spools I used up this year; 10 spools for hand quilting and machine piecing and 7 rings from DMC pearl cotton for big stitch quilting.  Not quite as productive as some years but better than others.

I'm making a red and white quilt using the house pattern.  I make about 2 blocks a day using mostly my stash.  I did buy some Kona Cotton in Christmas Red.  I think it's a bit dark (lower left) but it will balance out I'm sure.

This is the next block to be sewn.  I'm a little unsure about the floral.  It will be the only block with green in it.  I'll just have to make it up and see.  It's a pretty old floral by Alex Anderson.

My brother and sister-in-law gave me the craziest puzzle for Christmas.  It has only 500 pieces so I figured I could finish it up in an afternoon.  But, once I got started I had to work on it from the back to even make a little progress.  The back was stamped with 8 sections of letters A thru H.

It took me 3 days to complete and what I want to know is. . . how do you tell if an "H" is upside down or right side up?  It's a wooden puzzle so the little brown circles are knotholes.  Surprising, the "A" section was the hardest to complete. 

And then when I finished I turned it over to reveal this goofy bird wearing boots or is it a person in a bird costume?  We'll never know.

Oh, and about a week ago someone crashed through our fence in back and fled the scene.  Thank goodness one of my son's was willing and had the know-how to fix it right away.  We live on a corner.  The side road goes straight and then makes a slight curve to right before a stop sign at our corner.

Well, whoever was driving the car was distracted and didn't make the curve.  

Wish I knew who it was, some tired person coming home from the graveyard shift (it was dark and 6:30am), some youth who was texting, or just someone who didn't want to take the responsibility. 

  We continue to pray for snow, a cancellation so my husband can get in to see his surgeon before April, and the end of Covid.

This post sounds a little discouraging.  I don't mean for it to sound that way.  We are healthy, our kids live close by (and they like us), and we find things everyday to laugh about.  


Saturday, January 8, 2022

I had to share

 My grandkids made a snowman right up next to the house so he can peek into the living room.

Cheeky little guy, isnt he?


  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...