Saturday, January 8, 2022

I had to share

 My grandkids made a snowman right up next to the house so he can peek into the living room.

Cheeky little guy, isnt he?



Frog Quilter said...

So cute!!!

Nancy said...

Oh, cute! Your grands have a good sense of humor.

Julierose said...

Aw---Just so adorable--I love that:))) stay warm--hugs, Julierose

Rebecca in AK said...

That is clever! But it would drive my dog crazy!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Hahaha! What a great idea! My husband, dog, and I would probably be startled by it for the first few days (we all forget things). Well done grands!

Shelina said...

That is a great idea! He's got a great hat and a wonderful smile. And a wink.

Janet O. said...

That is very funny. And he is winking, too. So clever!

LA Paylor said...

Oh My gosh, that is the cutest thing I've seen in years. We've had so little snow, not enough to even build this guy, the first time since we've lived here. It is possibly going into the 60's this week in colorado!!

Wendy Caton Reed said...


Kaja said...

I like the way they think!

I'm always sewing something

I made  little set of curtains for my back door.  I love looking out on the backyard but when I come into the kitchen after dark in my night...