Friday, December 31, 2021

Bon Voyage 2021

 I'm trying to tie up loose ends in my quilting projects and plans to get a good start on the new year.

I want to finish up some more UFOs before I start something new but the temptation is so great 

I finally decided to get out my Roseville quilt top (2010-2018).

This isn't the final layout for the blocks but you get the idea.  I put it away over 3 yrs. ago thinking I would come back and do borders.

I got out the background fabric, measured it and the quilt itself and began calculating how much I need, what size border to cut, and since I didn't want to do the border from the pattern I needed to come up with a plan.

After heming and hawing (I don't now if I spelled that correctlly) and getting distracted over and over and coming upstairs for something and going downstairs without it. . . numerous times.

I came to the conclusion that this quilt doesn't need a border.  I will quilt it and bind it and be happy.

On to the next UFO from 2006.  It is a Round Robin from my quilt group.  I have 11 blocks made from 11 different ladies and now I need to figure out what it's going to become.

The colors aren't  true in the photo.  I think my green cutting matt is clashing with that celery green and making everything look dull.

It will be fun to come up with something unplanned and it will be great to get another UFO off the list.

Joyous New Year,



Quilting Babcia said...

Roseville is amazing! I can't imagine the hours of stitching to accomplish all that applique, and the fabrics are dazzling. I'd say it is a perfect project for a new year.

Julierose said...

What lovely quilt. I think it will be fine without a border...have fun quilting this one in the New Year--best wishes --hugs, Julierose

Janet O. said...

I think you have made a great choice. Roseville is a beautiful, fascinating quilt, and I don't think it needs a border, either. Each block could keep your eyes busy for a long time, soaking in all the colors and textures. Who needs a border? :)
Are the round robin blocks all the same size, or do you have to come up with a way to set blocks of all different sizes? It has a lovely color palette.
Hope you have a great new year!

Cathy said...

Your Roseville blocks are beautiful. I can't wait to see the finished quilt. Happy New Years my friend. Hugs

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

WOW, what blocks! Gorgeous applique! This is going to be an amazing quilt and I agree, doesn't need a border.

Kaja said...

What fantastic blocks! I can't wait to see Roseville finished and agree entirely that it doesn't need a border. Happy New Year!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Beautiful applique in gorgeous fabrics...definitely should be finished off and I agree with your decision too. I would have hemmed and hawed also, LOL. Happy New Year and Happy Stitching!

Nancy said...

You have some great quilts to work on this year, Robin. I remember the Roseville quilt from a few years ago and love it. What a lot of beautiful work!
I understand exactly the problems of distraction and going up and down without getting what I need.... It's so frustrating!

What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...