Friday, December 24, 2021

Between storms

 The snow is melting because of the rain that is preceding our next winter storm.

But, my grandchildren took time to make some snowmen as they marched out to their cars to go home from our Christmas Eve brunch this morning.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday and if you're alone, I hope you'll reach out because I'm sure I'll be online tomorrow too.



Julierose said...

We had around 2.5" of beautiful snowfall last night and it is cold--so still with us. We will be just the two of us on Christmas day children and grands will be coming on Sunday for a celebration...we had a quiet day here...
I did a little bit of hexie sewing--mainly trying to assuage Mr.
Sciatica and hope he goes away...;(((
Hugs for a wonderful Christmas full of joy and awe...Julierose

Rebecca in AK said...

Merry Christmas! We just got 8” and more to come tomorrow!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

oh how cute - to leave you with a battalion of snowmen!!!

Janet O. said...

Love those tiny snowmen standing guard around the tree.
For all the storms in our forecast, we have very little to show for it, either. We had a skiff of snow yesterday after the rain finally changed to snow, and we have had not much more today. It has mostly just been blustery wind.
Our daughter in Eugene woke to 3" and more falling. Our granddaughter is thrilled. :)
Hope you had a Merry Christmas with your loved ones, Robin!

Shelina said...

Those are cute little snowmen around the tree. I have enjoyed making the tiny ones with my daughter too. We haven't had enough snow around here to make snowmen of any size, but I am not asking for any snow.

What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...