Friday, December 17, 2021

Orphan Quilt Day 3

 Yeah, I think I'm in over my head.

Pretty this is not.  But, it used up a lot of extras from the orphan box.  I cut down the extra pinwheels from the quilt below.

I used the large sections of 2 1/2" squares leftover from this quilt 

And I just couldn't pass up using those outrageous friendship star blocks that I inherited from my mother-in-law's passing.  They are from the 70's and I'm sure there is polyester in them.

It's 60" square.  I have an idea for a much narrower border but I think that might be it.  My leftover blocks just don't play well together.  

Never say never,                                                                                                                                     Robin

PS  I just saw a mistake (how can you tell - you ask?).  It on the very bottom row where there is a single dark square.  There should be two side by side.  


audrey said...

Nope, definitely not in over your head. The center is perfect in how you managed to arrange the negative space. Love it! It draws you in and makes you take a second look at what its doing. And the border keeps the orphan block vibe coming along nicely without being too 'precious' about the layout. You did good! The dark corner blocks are obnoxious but hold down the corners nicely. I'd be thrilled to find a place for them too!:)
Creating orphan block quilts makes for the strangest mix of emotions. Thrills, mild hysteria and utter glee. So much fun to just go for it and see what you can get rid of!

Janet O. said...

Are orphan block quilts supposed to be pretty? I thought they were just supposed to be utility quilts that keep a body warm and use up leftovers--kind of like a "clean-out-the-fridge" casserole.
This has a charm all its own, with those eye-catching corner blocks, and wonderful piecing and applique in the center. Give it a chance. I think it will grow on you! :)

Julierose said...

HOW in the world did you accomplish this so quickly?? I LOVE it--scrappy is my middle name, you know!!;))
By the by--there are NO MISTAKES in a scrappy quilt...
by definition it just uses what is un-sewing, no worrying,,,,
just gazing at all the varied and beautiful blocks...this is a joy to behold...
Nice work Hugs, Julierose

What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...