Wednesday, May 3, 2023

I just finished Jane Austen's Persuasion

  I've seen the movie numerous times, the BBC version.  Click on the BBC link for the video trailer,

Most Faithful to the Book and Most Critically Acclaimed: Persuasion (1995 Film) Similar to Ang Lee's Sense and Sensibility, Austen fans and film critics agree that the BBC's 1995 adaptation of Persuasion is both truest to the original text and the best crafted film.

But, I realized I had never read the book.  I'm so glad I did.  It explains things that either weren't addressed in the movie or they just went over my head.  Sometimes I miss the innuendos and clues of a period piece because I'm so enamored with the spectacular scenery or the décor in a room, or the fabulous costuming.

It went into more depth of personalities, family ties, and the relationship Anne has with her school chum.  I might read it again just to get all those things firmly in my mind.

There a Robin building a nest in the crook of the Wisteria.  He was busy for two days and then stood sentinel for a couple more.  I haven't seen him all day today.  I think he realized that there's too much people traffic on the sidewalk nearby.  No female wanted this nest which is a shame because in just a few days. . . 

The wisteria will be in full bloom and the leaves will disguise and hide the nest.  

So, going along with my theme - Maybe he will come back and be more persuasive the second time.

Those little spikes coming off the stem are actually buds, very large buds, that will turn into the 12" long strands of lovely purple wisteria.

And, in quilty news. . .  I finished this table topper from over 10 years ago.  It has been waiting impatiently for me to get around to it

And it will be used Friday for our Cinco de Mayo family dinner.



A Finish, a Formal, and Snow Washing my rug

I've been working like crazy to get all 110 blocks done for this quilt.   In a previous post I explained how I refound my stash of Thimb...