Thursday, October 24, 2024

Exchange, quilt on the floor, autumn


I have been working all week on an exchange we are having in my quilt group.  We are exchanging any size (mine are 12") pumpkin blocks.  I made the one on the right and decided it didn't really shout pumpkin so I changed the pattern.  Thank goodness there are only 8 of us participating because it's taking longer than I thought it would (doesn't it always?).  I've got 6 pumpkins shapes appliqued so far, just 2 more and then I'll work on the stems and leaves. (Was just reminded that there are only 7 of us participating so I'll have one extra regular pumpkin as well as the first block I made - Good Grief!)

I thought I'd show some of my progress on the flower quilt.  I call it "Earth with her 10,000 flowers" from the song.

I am enjoying doing the Baptist fan quilting pattern.  It makes it feel like it's going fast.  I'm using white DMC color #712 pearl cotton size 8 thread.  It is so soft and glides right through the fabric.

My #2 daughter has finished all the blocks for her batik quilt but she has no room to lay them all out so here they are in my family room.  She has such little time to sew because she's in the thick of teenagers (four of them to be exact ranging in age from 12 to 18).  She's in the car constantly taking them to school, ballet, friends houses, etc.  Her husband is deployed so she's doing it all by herself.

She comes over one morning a week because that is all the time she has to spare.

So, this quilt might be on my basement floor for a while.  It's just my husband and I so it's not bothering us.  He exercises down there and I quilt at the frames both of which are not hampered by her quilt.

I set up a sewing station down there too so when she comes she can just sit down and sew.

The valley is finally showing some signs of fall.  I've seen the colors on the mountainside for a month now.  This is our maple tree on the south side of the house.

Halloween is next week already, actually one week from today.  September and October have flown by in a dream.  



cityquilter grace said...

lovely batik quilt...i remember those busy days...single parenting is more than a full time job

Linda said...

Your daughter's quilt is beautiful. Bless her heart, she certainly has her hands full. I'm so glad she manages to carve out even a little bit of time for herself.
Our poor trees are just dropping brown leaves. We've not had one drop of rain this month but finally have some in the forecast next week.

Exchange, quilt on the floor, autumn

  I have been working all week on an exchange we are having in my quilt group.  We are exchanging any size (mine are 12") pumpkin block...