Sunday, August 21, 2016

Block 28 etc.

Block 28 completed

I finished the interwoven block on Thursday.  The preparation was fairly easy once I got things cut out.  But, it took a really long time to sew everything down.  I like how it turned out.

My design wall

I used pink and yellow for this block because I felt like I need to repeat the yellow found in the upper right block and the pink in the block just below.

 It is a commanding block and draws attention to itself right away.

This is the 2nd WOG&C that I've made.  

I am linking up the Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching.  Not because I sew on Sunday (I don't) but because the slow stitching part is definitely part of my quilting life.  AND, I enjoy seeing what everyone else it working on.

This is the 1st one I made.  I gave it to my Uncle who served it WWII because of the blue star in the window of the house.

I made the first quilt with the basket and house in the middle.  It was a BOM at Thimbles & Threads in Draper (wow! has it changed since then) a long long time ago.  The 2nd quilt has a large star for the middle with an appliqued vine in the border.  (see above)

I've been working on this Women of Grace & Charm quilt by Blackbird Designs all summer (hence the slow stitching).  I'm mostly just stitching in the ditch but there are a few areas that need more quilting to secure it to the 100% cotton batting.  The link above is to and since this book is out of print, the least expensive option for this book is $49 - GASP!

And I've been picking peaches all week from 2 of our 3 trees.  I've managed to find a home for 3 bushels of them (not a hard task).  There are still 2 more bushel on the tree ripening. After giving most of them away I decided I better keep some so I made freezer peach pie filling yesterday.  It's so yummy!!!

Gotta love that Corelle - ha!
Hop on over to Kathy's quilts (see link above) to see what progress everyone else is making.


Deb said...

Your block 28 is stunning and loks wonderful with the other blocks. How nice to have homes for your peaches, your pie looks delicious. Your quilts are just lovely. Enjoy your Sunday stitching or not.

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

I love the colors in your latest block. Fun to see the other projects and I wish I'd planted a peach tree...I just love in season peaches! :)

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Oh my what an awesome applique block! You did it justice and it sure will be a shining star in your quilt!

Pam said...

I just love what you are making from the 1857 quilt pattern. Your colors and fabrics are great. I think you have balanced the entwined circles well with the rest of the blocks.

Quilter Kathy said...

I really like that interwoven block! It does look challenging!

Nancy said...

Block 28 is just gorgeous. You're right, it is commanding and draws attention -- well-deserved attention. The blocks together on your design wall look wonderful. I love the pattern created by the diamonds in the corners!
--Nancy. (ndmessier @,

Karen said...

Looks good seeing all your stitched 1857 blocks up on the design wall. I like your fabric choices. I am thinking maybe I should start over (I am behind on doing the blocks) and use similar fabrics. I was doing them in the solids much like the original quilt had. Have to think about it.

CathieJ said...

I am drooling over block 28. I always like an illusion like those intertwined rings. Your patriotic quilts are quite pretty.

Deb A said...

Love your block 28 and that pie looks yummy.

Mary said...

I love the interwoven design. I can see why it took a long time to get it stitched down.

Janet O. said...

Wonderful job on block 28! I am impressed with the way you faced that challenge.
Your WOG&C quilts are very warm and inviting.
And speaking of warm and inviting--pie. Yum!! Looks really good. : )

Debra @ Life is a Stitch said...

GREAT block!! and great colors. It's going to be a fantastic finish!!!

Rachel said...

Very impressed by your block 28! It looks lovely, and very complicated to make!

A Finish, a Formal, and Snow Washing my rug

I've been working like crazy to get all 110 blocks done for this quilt.   In a previous post I explained how I refound my stash of Thimb...