Friday, March 10, 2017

Blockheads Week 1

It's one of those times when I need you to view this as you are galloping by on a horse.

This block is rather deceptive.  It looks fairly easy until the construction begins.  The part that was hard was matching up all those points and corners.  ( I probably should re-do the one on the left.) While I was making this little block (6") I thought I'd use this one to learn on and then make another one.

Once I finished the block, I said; "Good enough!"

(I should  have fussy-cut the blackbirds in the middle)
Always second guessing myself. . . . . . .


Janet O. said...

Lately I usually feel like I am on a galloping horse, and totally out of control. It looks good to me. I haven't even tried it, yet!

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

Good enough indeed; it is lovely

JustGail said...

I think it's fine. I suspect any little errors will not be visible once it it surrounded by other blocks and quilted. For me, it takes a huge error to jump out, and even then it can take a bit of studying for me to find them sometimes. It's often the quilts with the oddities that I prefer.

Karen said...

Looks good to me. I printed out the pattern and took it to the sewing room but have been busy prepping applique blocks. The block design does not look all that easy but I have seen several on Facebook that look very good.

Kaja said...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with "good enough"!

Pam said...

Second guessing! how about third and fourth guessings! AARRGGHH! Your block is just fine-colors good, interesting pattern, lines straight! There is always foundation piecing as they used to do in the old days of quilting!

Debra @ Life is a Stitch said...

I've not made my first blockhead yet.... but I didn't think it looked like an easy one from any angle! I think yours is great! (And I may tackle mine tomorrow. Just need to decide if I'm going with a colorway or scrappy.)
BTW - there's a Humble Quilts blog Doll Quilt Swap listed today... I think I recall you said you might be interested next time No arm-twisting or anything :D

Happy Stitching!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

I think it looks terrific. And it is miles ahead of mine since it is still sitting on the cutting table! Good job!

What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...