Thursday, March 2, 2017

Just lots of pictures

(Check out the GIVEAWAY in the March 4th post - here)

Charm quilt from 2007

 I'm finishing up some old UFOs and turning them into tops.  The only problem with this goal is that I am trying to reduce the tops in storage by quilting them and I just keep making more tops.  This hand pieced charm quilt has been hanging around for a lot of years.  It just needed a border.  I came up with a lot of ideas;
1. Applique border  (would take too long, I just want to get this done)
2. Pieced border with yo yos  (darling border from Simply Friends by Kim Diehl & Jo Morton)
3. Multiple borders  (can't decide)
4.The above border which reminds me of a circus for some reason.

It is about 85" square.

The Whimsey Quilt

 This little quilt was fun to make.  It was much brighter fabric than I normally use.

The thing about this little quilt top is that it is my sister's.  She bought the fabric and asked me to cut it out for her birthday one year.

Then many years later she hired a professional organizer to come in and help her get rid of stuff - I ended up with the quilt parts.  So (after storing it for a few more years to age it like cheese) I used it as my leader and ender project (kinda) and finished it up last week.  And then I gave it to her along with the backing so she can go get it quilted.  Guilt free for me!

I've been continuing to work on the hand quilting for my Peppermint Quilt.  I have been working on this since November.  I'm 3/4 done.  (Just keep swimming quilting----)

 I'm enjoying the process because I love the quilt so much.  It's so pretty in real life.  But, I'm anxious to work on other things too.

We had a gorgeous snow storm last week.  It really covered the mountains with a blanket.

My DH pruned the apricot tree and brought in a few of the trimmings.  We put them in water and watched the buds expand and then burst in bloom.  This is taken just before they opened up.

We'll leave the lights on for you

I finished piecing my winter quilt.  A pattern called "Sleigh Bells" by Jan Patek.  It kind of hard to get a good picture because it is so long.  It calls for wide side borders and narrow top and bottom borders.

Not the right border fabric

I think I want to use black for the border but I haven't found the right piece yet.  I wish I could get some of those black background florals by Brannock & Patek or Blackbird Designs from yesteryear.
I'll just have to keep looking.

I got out another UFO today that just needs the pieced border.  I'm in the process of cutting out the pieces for it now.  Then I will have yet another top to put in my closet (Under the Big Top) but at least it won't be weighing on my shoulders to get it finished.  And it won't be hanging around in pieces for someone else to deal with someday.

When I was apologizing for potentially leaving behind so many tops upon my demise, my younger daughter said; "Don't worry about it,  We'll just tie them and use them."

That sounds good to me.

Connecting to Slow Stiching Sunday at Kathy's Quilts
Check out the GIVEAWAY in the March 4th post!!!  (Link at the beginning of this post)


Cathy said...

Seems like everyone is trying to finish up UFOS this year or at least move them out of the darkness and into the light. And don't you have a few beauties in the works! And a beautiful view too...just cornfields here!

Good luck on your goals!

Karen said...

Sleigh Bells is wonderful! Love the fabrics you used.

Janet O. said...

Good for you, getting some tops finished off!
I really love your peppermint quilt--so pretty and festive. Believe me, it takes me much longer than that to hand quilt something, because I rarely sit down and do it. : )
Blooming apricot branches sounds so pretty!

Suzanne said...

What wonderful projects! Your mountain view is beautiful!

Quilter Kathy said...

So many gorgeous photographs on your blog post to enjoy... thank you!
Your hand quilting project is amazing... love the cross hatching you are doing!

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt show! My favorite is the Peppermint quilt!

Wow! You have a gorgeous mountain view! It is a blizzard outside my window as I write this comment...I am so ready for spring. I have several fruit trees, including apricot. I may just go get some branches and bring them in!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Lots of eye candy on your blog today. Your peppermint quilt is lovely! I'm looking forward to Spring too.

CathieJ said...

Thanks for the great picture tour. I love the Peppermint quilt, but the first multicolored quilt is gorgeous also. I actually like the borders that you have around it now.

What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...