Wednesday, December 19, 2018

It's about time. . .

I haven't posted for about 2 months.  Time is a precious thing and less time on the computer has been my priority.  While that has been a positive thing, I have missed sharing what I am doing in the creative realm.

It was a beautiful beginning to the day.

I started out the day fairly well.  The sky was beautiful but alas, the warmer weather has melted almost all the snow.  I do pray for snow - for it's moisture, for it's beauty, and for the added happiness it brings to this holiday season.

Sometimes breakfast can be the most important meal of the day.  Well, this day I managed to under cook my over-easy egg (the white was runny) and then I burned my toast.    Subsequently, I choked on one of the bites, you know, the kind of choking where you have to remove yourself from the table and end up wiping the tears from your eyes. . .

So, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to anyone who is generous enough to read this homely little blog.  It brings me a lot of joy to share what I'm working on, what I've finished, and what interrupts my stitching with thoughts of new and old ideas.

This sweet quilt is what I have been working on since my last post.  As you can see I am almost at the end because the top border is showing.  I put this quilt on the frames in October because I knew it would take me a while to hand quilt and wanted to be working on a holiday-themed project during December.  It worked.  I have enjoyed every minute that I have been working on this quilt.  It is the pattern called "Sleigh Bells" by Jan Patek.  Although I'm not sure why she called it that because there is not a sleigh and no bells on the quilt.  I call it the "Midwinter's Eve" quilt.  It makes me think of that Christmas song; In the Bleak Midwinter.

This is the backing fabric.  Isn't it fabulous?

It is a piece I found on sale a few years ago.  It is by Susan Branch.

I got out my Rising Sun blocks to add the border.  Because of the sheep fabric I used throughout, I wanted to put words on it from Luke 12:32 and D&C 35:27  "FEAR NOT LITTLE FLOCK . . . I COME QUICKLY"

The fabrics I have chosen are too start so I am going to have to go to plan "B".

I want to use this cute cute wooly fabric for the border (below).  I think the quilt needs a stop border.  I hope I have some more of that black, gold, and white fabric.  I'll just have to call the quilt "Fear not little flock" instead of putting the words on it.

I have been working on my grandson's outer space quilt.  All those circles are hand reverse appliqued.  It has taken me much longer than I expected but the top is done and it makes me happy.  I'll put it on the frames after I finish the mid-winter quilt.  My grandson is six years old and came downstairs to look at the quilt top all done a few days ago.  He slid under it to his chin like it was on his bed and just closed his eyes and giggled.  So cute!

I still need to put the binding on this scrap quilt.  I can't decide who is going to get this quilt.  Too many choices.

I also got out my 'When the Cold Wind' Blows blocks.  I keep getting out my UFOs.  These blocks are so wrinkled.  I need to sew around the fused blocks but the sewing machine with the blanket stitch is at my daughter's house.  Her foot pedal broke to her 930 Bernina (my mother's old machine) and you know you can't get by without a sewing machine at Christmas!!!  It's just as well, I keep getting things out and don't end up working on them.  I've got more virtual quilting enthusiasm than I can keep up with.

My goal this season was to fill this 3-tiered tray with homemade ornaments.  Stars, hearts, and little animals.  I managed to find this cute llama ornament and the rest are from my boxes (and boxes) of decorations.

I just haven't been able to fit it in

It doesn't look that festive does it?  Sigh~

On December 2nd my husband was on a ladder cleaning the snow off of the  solar panels.  The ladder slipped and his feet fell through the ladder.  He landed with his head at the foot of the ladder.  The bad news is that he broke a rib and perhaps a hairline fracture in his right calf.  The good news is that he didn't hit his head on the patio concrete or injure his already compromised back.

So he's been flat in bed and while caring for him doesn't take that much time. . . it has done a number on my holiday decorating mojo.

This is the only decorated tree at our house - my miniature one.

He's healing well and sat at the table for breakfast this morning.  (His toast wasn't burned - ha!)



Janet O. said...

My goodness, Robin, no wonder you haven't had time to post! Look at all that you have been dealing with, and all you have accomplished! Love you "Midwinter's Eve" quilt. That is puzzling as to why she named it Sleigh Bells.
Nice of you to loan out the machine, but maybe you need a loaner that will allow you to keep the machine with the blanket stitch. I currently have 5 machines and not one does the blanket stitch. If one of them did, that would be a machine I would not loan.
Reverse applique is no picnic--and to do all that on your grandson's quilt! You are a cool grandma!
Wow, sounds like quite the fall your hubby took. Glad it wasn't more serious, but it sounds serious enough!
Hope you can have a Merry Christmas, and that it will be calm and "pieceful". :)

Nancy said...

The backing for your Midwinter's Eve quilt looks just perfect. The front looks wonderful -- perfect fabric and color choices. I hope you'll show us photos when you're finished.

Your Rising Sun quilt is just so delightful. It's too bad you can't add the words in the border. They are perfect to go with all the sheep. I think you wrote earlier that you made the pattern for this based on a photograph. Was it a hard pattern to stitch? Oh, and I love the sashing you've used between the blocks. That narrow strip adds so much without detracting from the blocks and whole quilt.

I've never done reverse applique (I think I'm still too new to quilting to try it) but it looks fabulous on your grandson's quilt. I should think it would make the quilt more durable with the applique seams turned outward (but maybe not?). How sweet that he immediately loved it.

Your Cold Wind blocks are beautiful. Do you always have some applique project to hand?

The little characters/toys/decorations on your 3-tiered tray look so inviting. I want to hold and look at each thing. I think it looks very festive!

Glad to hear your husband is up and about a bit. So glad the fall wasn't worse!

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...