Monday, March 18, 2019

I finished the Broiderie Perse!

Just wanted to share the finished applique.  This picture is a little bleached out in the afternoon sun.  I'm pleased that it's done and I think it looks much better with the Broderie Perse than without it (below).  I'm surprised at how long it is,  72" X 94".  I wish it was a little wider,

I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday.  Check it out here.

This is the picture before I cropped it.  I had to wait till one of my sons came over to hold the quilt up for me.

This is where he was standing for the picture.  Gotta love those long legs.

This is my youngest grandson in his leprechaun T shirt for St. Patricks Day.  Cute little chappy face!

Thanks for checkin' in,


Wendy Caton Reed said...

It is sensational! I love the broiderie perse addition. Cute little grandson too!

Janet O. said...

I know you struggled a bit with how to finish this off, but your instincts served you well, as usual. It is a grand finish!
And I got a chuckle at the peek you gave us of your son's perch for the quilt holding job.
Sweet little leprechaun at your house. :)

Cathy said...

I love the broderie perse addition too! I have a top sitting around here waiting for some but I just can't get started on it. I'm afraid to cut into the fabric I'm using for the broderie perse. But now you've inspired me to give it a try.

Sandy said...

What a great looking quilt, and I LOVE the broderie perse! Good job!

Quilting Babcia said...

The applique border is perfect. Lovely top, and grandson is a cutie!

Barb said...

What a little cutie! Your new quilt is wonderful and I the behind the scenes photo is great.

Ann said...

A lovely quilt made even better with the broderie perse.
Yes, love those long legs and cute cheeks.

Kaja said...

Congratulations on this wonderful finish - it was definitely worth the work of adding the broderie perse. I like your son's quilt-holding strategy!

Karen said...

Clever use of the broderie perse fabric.

Nancy said...

Congratulations on getting all those motifs stitched, Robin. I agree that the broderie perse adds to and completes the quilt and looks better than without. Your son is really tall! How fun that he can stretch and stand on the banister. What an adorable little grandson. He has beautiful blue eyes!

Clipping Path said...

Thank you so much for the detailed article.Thanks again.

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...