Thursday, May 23, 2019

Done and Done

I finished the the little quilt for my sister-in-law.  It needed to be repaired in a number of places.  If it were my own I might have replaced some of the hexagons but instead I just lightly mended the places so they wouldn't fray.  I'm going to advise that this quilt just be used for display purposes.  If it got real dirty it wouldn't make it through the washer and I'm not sure my sister-in-law would want to take the time or know how to delicately wash it in the bathtub.  She's careful, just doesn't have any experience with something like this.  And, she doesn't sew at all.

The maker made some interesting borders.  The two long borders are the same zig-zag but the top and bottom have been treated different from each other as you can see in the picture.  I'm not sure how the original maker was going to do the binding but the edges were so frayed that I had to just even them up and do a smooth binding.

It's done and now I can tune to the regularly scheduled program (of doing my own projects).


Janet O. said...

It looks beautiful. So good of you to put your projects on hold and do this for your SIL!

Karen said...

I wish I had that red check chair!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Wow that was fast! So sweet, I love it!

Nancy said...

This is such a happy, joyful quilt. It will brighten a room even if it's never used on a bed. I hope your sister-in-law will be thrilled.
I love your red-checked chair and your wide windowsill with the geraniums. What an inviting scene.

Kaja said...

Congratulations on getting it all done (and on time!) It looks very pretty on that chair, so I'm sure it will brighten up a space for your sister-in-law.

Mary Marcotte said...

Normally I don't like when I have to drop everything, but it would be fun to work on this beauty. I love old quilts!

Barb said...

what a lovely quilt! and i really love your red checked chair!

Shelina said...

Wow that is a beautiful quilt! IAnd so sweet of you to mend it for your SIL!

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...