Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Too many projects, not enough peace.

Much brighter in person.  Picture was taken in my sewing room with limited light.

This is the latest block for the Alice Jane Blue quilt.  It was a block that seemed to never end.  I'd get one part done and then the block wanted more.  I'm think I'm finally finished.  This is supposed to be the white rabbits pocket watch.  The center of the clock is a tiny appliqued circle.  I don't think I've ever made a circle that small - so teeny.

I made a block for the Cheri Payne Christmas quilt.  I think it's needs a bird (you know, partridge in a pear tree) but I'll determine that later.

I also finished a block for the Flower quilt by Linda Brannock.  I am working on too many different projects at the same time   With the Panedemic situation and the earthquake, it makes me feel so fragmented.

We did have a 5.7 earthquake today with over 80 aftershocks so far.  We're fine but it was already an unsteady time and now the earth shakes and groans.  I spent the whole day watching the local news - I've got a headache.  I hope nothing wakes us up during the night.


Janet O. said...

Your pocket watch block with the fussy-cut butterflies and flowers is magnificent!
You had more shaking than we did, I'm sure, but what we felt was freaky enough for me!
I had the news on from 7:10 a.m. until about 1:00 in the afternoon, and I only usually watch the news at night. It has been quite a day!

Julierose said...

Glad to hear you are wonder you have a headache...hope tomorrow will be better for you.
Your Alice block is amazing...what a teeney circle is right hugs stay safe Julierose

Sandy said...

Oh.. I love the pocket watch! What a fun quilt this will be.

Beth French said...

Beautiful! Love your fabric choices for the corner flowers, too.

Karen said...

The pocket watch is perfect

Nancy said...

Oh my goodness, your clock block is perfection! Really, just amazing with all the careful cutting and stitching. Wow!
I forgot you were in/near Salt Lake City though I spoke to a friend in Provo who felt the earthquake there, too. So glad you are safe. It's not like the coronavirus wasn't enough.... I hope your headache went quickly and hasn't returned.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I know I left a comment, but it went to never never land! Great work and love the clock!

Quick Post

 I finally figured out what I wanted to put in the corners of my bird center blocks.  I think the stars fill the space nicely.  I also added...