I finished my little Christmas Star mini quilt.
If you want to read the rest of the story look in the "Once in multiple lifetimes" post at right.
It measures 13 1/4" X 14 3/4" and was really fun to make.
If you want to read the rest of the story look in the "Once in multiple lifetimes" post at right.
It measures 13 1/4" X 14 3/4" and was really fun to make.
I finished this quilt before Christmas. I know it doesn't look like a Christmas quilt but I consider it one because my inspiration was this Christmas/Santa puzzle we do every year at Christmas
I set the blocks differently because they are 'Rising Sun' blocks and it seemed like they should be rising from the East. Also, the quilt was quite dull without the sashing. But, nevertheless, it is finished.
I put the "Block in the Spotlight" quilt on the frames over a week ago but didn't have a chance to start quilting it until this morning.
I want to do a small cable in the borders but I don't have anything that will mark the blue adequately. So I think I'm going to try a technique I used when I made the Welsh Quilt (on the ironing board below). I marked and quilted it from the back. I'm going to quilt all of the quilt but the two borders and then quilt them last.
It is so fun to work on. And I like that I can do a little applique and then do a little piecing depending on my mood. I made a flying geese strip this morning and sewed it on the left side of the cabin (not in the picture). A little bit at a time, it's all progress.
I had all kinds of energy last week (something I'm not normally known for) and I gave my sewing room a deep clean. I found all these spools I've been saving to see how much thread I use in a year. There are 12 empty spools and I also used at least 16 balls of pearl cotton. This was my year for big stitch.
This is the space just to the right of my sewing table. I have to have my iron and ironing board close by.
I have fabric etc. in another closet downstairs. I'm hoping to someday get it so everything will fit in this room.
My quilting goal this year is to concentrate on one thing at a time till it's finished. I love to make the tops (that's the most fun) but I'm not as fast with the quilting because of time and sore fingers. I think that's one reason I quilted 6 quilts with 'Big Stitch' last year. I can do more in a shorter period of time.
I'm set for the new year.
[The] "same God that placed that star in a precise orbit millennia before it appeared over Bethlehem in celebration of the birth of the Babe has given at least equal attention to placement of each of us in precise human orbits so that we may, if we will, illuminate the landscape of our individual lives, so that our light may not only lead others but warm them as well." Neal A. Maxwell
I am grateful to celebrate the birth of my Savior this time of year and I am grateful for those of you who have shared your warmth with me.
And in no time I had this cute little thing put together. I think it needs a star appliqued in the middle, some light quilting, binding, and "Voila".
It's a little wonky so I'm going to take out one seam to even up the top border and then let it look homemade like the rest of Cheri Payne's things do.
It was a fun couple of hours.
Hope you look out in the SW sky tonight around 5:30 MST and see something no one on earth has ever seen before.
To see the finished quilt look at the Christmas Star post right.
I did narrow vertical machine quilting and bound it with a red/gold metallic fabric.
It measures 11 1/2" X 14". Just so cute and tiny.
I've been working on the "Fear Not Little Flock" quilt since last month. I'm getting about a row a week done. I have almost finished 4 of the 6 rows so I think I can get it done in time for Christmas.
We got our tree up and now I'm making a mess of ornaments and decorations before I can get it all organized. I'm getting rid of a lot of decorations this year. I still have the cute Country stuffed stuff from the 80's and 90's. Some of them need to be retired but most of them still look good. . . it's just time.
These three ladies are just a drop in the bucket. There are a lot more. My mother made these and sold them to keep my brother on his mission (Sweden) back when you paid the prices in the country instead of a each missionary having the same general expenses we have today . The angel hangs on the wall and the mouse is built on a bowling pin. Good memories.
Hope things are looking festive at your house.
So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...