Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The things we do. . .

Yes, I've been thinking about the design team Alma Allen and Barb Adams of Blackbird Designs a lot lately (probably too much).  It just saddens me as people I've come to know, if only on the internet, have passed away.  People like Sue Garmen and Cherie Payne, and Linda Brannock and now Barb Adams.

I was reading Barb Vedder's blog  where she shared the different quilts she has made to commemorate past Olympics and the idea came to mind that perhaps I could do something to pay tribute to Barb Adams' passing.

I got out various Blackbird Designs fabrics that I still have and thumbed through pages and pages of patterns.

And then it came to me.  I had already started a BD project.  It is one of the UFOs that needs to be finished.  It is in the book 'When the Cold Wind Blows' 

Alma's version is called "Love Letters" (right) and Barb's version is called "Winter Garden" (left)

I started it in May of 2015 and for whatever reason it got put away and abandoned.

I got five of the blocks prepped for needle turn applique and then I changed my mind.  I decided I need to machine applique it or it would never get done.  

So I have hand appliqued one oak leaf and stems on various blocks and then I prepped two of them with heat n' bond light but I never ironed them on to their backs.

And, look who designed this pattern.  It was meant to be.

I'm anxious to get going on it but I have another UFO I've been working on and I want to get it done first.  

I made this little quilt for the floral challenge with the improv quilters in 2019.  I thought I was done with the toile/9-patch border but decided it needed a repeat of the inner floral.  And then it told me it was finished.

Well. . . it's been calling to me for a bout a year now, saying it's changed it's mind.


So, I've been working on a swag border.  I've only got eight more to applique and then I'll put red dots between.  It will be really cute when it's done.  And then I think I better hurry and quilt it before it changes it's mind again

Hope you have a chance to sew today,


julieQ said...

I truly adore that little quilt. What gorgeous flowers...love the charm!

Quilting Babcia said...

Definitely get that sweet little quilt done - she's fickle as you know! But beautiful too. I have a copy of When the Cold Wind Blows but haven't completed anything from it yet, started the tiny baskets and got bored. My friend from our quilt ministry made nearly every quilt in that book, her hand applique is gorgeous, and I'm in awe of people who can do such fastidious hand work. You have a great start on Winter Garden!

O'Quilts said...

Lovely quilt...I knoW I am following you, but you do not seem to come up on my feed for some reason...crazy bloglovin...sigh

Julierose said...

I think that swag border adds so much to that lovely quilt. Those are the cutest flowers...;)))
I have that BA book also and have been eyeing those blocks, but they look beyond my abilities right now...even machine appliqueing would be a challenge
I feel for me...so I content myself with thumbing through the book and dreaming...
hugs, Julierose

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Oh what a wonderful tribute this will be! I know you are itching to start but your UFO is also sensational. I remember those blocks and saying to myself how I much I love them. I think the swag border will really finish it beautifully. Have fun!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Such a lovely way to memorialize! It looks lovely already!

Nancy said...

Your "Love Letters" will be so beautiful when finished. What a great tribute to Barbara. When you machine applique do you use a straight stitch or some other stitch?
It's quite the challenge when quilts keep changing their minds. I like everything about your Cheri-flowered quilt and I think the quilt's idea of a swag border will make it perfect!

audrey said...

Oh I'm so glad you listened to your quilt! The swag border is a perfect finish for those sweet little flowers. And the UFO is very worthy of finishing. I bought almost all their books and spent many hours drooling over their quilts! It's going to be so pretty!

Quick Post

 I finally figured out what I wanted to put in the corners of my bird center blocks.  I think the stars fill the space nicely.  I also added...