Monday, October 18, 2021

It appears I can be talked into anything

This could be considered a squirrel project but since it's my granddaughter's and not mine - I'm not counting it as such.  I was planning on beginning the machine applique for my "Love Letters" quilt top when I suggested to my granddaughter that we do a Halloween decoration together.

I bought the small Kitty Corn panel and a few pieces of fabric from the line, thinking we would make a wall hanging.  

Silly me, it tuned out not to be a little afternoon craft project.  

No, she came over with a plan to make a whole quilt.

These are the fabrics from the Kitty Corn line that I bought to go with the panel - the orange check, the green dot, and the mauvey candy corn print.  I picked out some pieces from my stash and she and her mother went shopping for something with a light background and came home with four more fabrics and a backing.

It seemed that this franken-batting was appropriate for a Halloween quilt.

So I trimmed down the panel to a 23" square and then added the black border so it measured 24 1/2".  I cut out 6 1/2" squares from all our fabrics and then we began sewing.

 I finished it up today and here it is layered and ready to pin baste.  the piece of fabric that surprised me is the peach colored one.  It is from my stash and it really adds a sparkle to the quilt.

My granddaughter wanted me to hand quilt it and with everything else that is going on I told her that I couldn't complete it by Halloween so she has settle for "Blind Tying".  Not my first choice but I haven't been in control of this project from the beginning.😁

But, we're making memories right?


Janet O. said...

Definitely making memories, and an adorable quilt. Way to go, Grandma, even if it derailed your life for a time. :)

Quilting Babcia said...

Yep, granddaughters will do that to you! Mine did that when she was four years old, told me her two-year-old quilt was getting old and that she'd be needing a new one "when I'm five." Yes, she got it. Love the fall colors and that kitty panel is really cute!

Nancy said...

That grandmother-granddaughter time is precious, and as children get older, it's harder to have. Your granddaughter will treasure the time you spent and the quilt you made together. (It is a wonder how others can hijack our time, though.) I'm impressed at how quickly you made this sweet quilt. It's wonderful!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Wow! What a neat project even if it did turn out to be a larger quilt! I love the layout and the panel is just adorable! Well done you grandma! The first quilts I made with my grandmother were tied, it's a great way to finish the quilt!

Cathy said...

Your quilt is adorable. The memories are priceless. Hugs

Rebecca said...

Oh yah.... Your not only easy...your lucky!
Pretty quilt and wonderful memory best gift ever....

Kaja said...

What a lovely thing to have done with your granddaughter! Well worth the time spent.

I'm always sewing something

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