Friday, November 5, 2021

News from Bonar Bridge

Hawaiian print quilt top is my daughter's project

Here is a look at "Quilting Central" down in my basement.  Finishing up UFOs is kind of like having a job.  There's a task to be completed so each day I go downstairs and put my time in.  Love Letters on the design wall is progressing slowly but each day I get more done.  I've completely finished machine appliqueing the center wreath and now I'm working on the Oak Leaf block from the empty space on the wall.

I'm still hand quilting the Plaidish quilt.  It is "big stitch" quilting so it's going fast.  I should be finished in about 3 days or less if I'm diligent.

I decided to pick out a backing for my "Cheddarback quilt".  I had originally decided on using a big blue floral that is purposely faded looking.  When I got it out there was 9 yds. in the piece and this quilt only needed 4 yds. so I looked for something else.  I found this early Fons & Porter piece.  It is marked on both selvages but it only says Fons & Porter by Bernartex with 2 colors.  I think it looks great with the quilt top and am anxious to begin.

As you can see in the top picture this quilt is layered on the floor.  I ran out of pins for the pin basting (there is still a bunch in the Plaidish quilt).  I don't know whether to unpin the border now or buy new pins or leave the quilt sandwich on the floor until I finish quilting the other quilt.

I remembered the Cheddarback quilt begin quite large but it is only 68" X 75" or something like that.  I suppose I could have put a border on it but I wanted it to be more like the original.  It is sure a fun quilt to look at.  I think I'm going to enjoy quilting each individual block, like visiting an old friend.

 This is a picture of my 'Spring Cheer' daffodil that blooms both spring and fall.  It has quite a heady fragrance and show no sign of wilting anytime soon.

My husband ruptured another disc a month ago and has been flat in bed during that time.  The insurance company won't pay for the MRI unless you go through 6 wks. of physical therapy.  He's been in this situation before and is gladly jumping through the hoops so he can further the process toward surgery.  He had his MRI Wednesday and is waiting for the results.

So I am staying close to home and filling my hours with my quilting.  And I'm his chauffeur as well.

He's the kind of guy who always has a project going and he's an avid gardener.  The garden was cleaned out and prepared for fall by my daughter, her kids, and me last Saturday.  I didn't know I had it in me!



Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Yes, working on WIP's is like having a job and I am approaching it as such. However, with each task completed I am one step/piece closer to having a completed quilt

Janet O. said...

I love seeing your sewing space. Appears very roomy and nice.
Your machine applique looks precise. If I had a blanket stitch on any of my machines I MIGHT attempt it, but alas, not one of my 5 machines (3 are vintage) has that stitch.
Big stitch is looking good on Plaidish!
Sorry to hear about your hubby. Hope he can get the help and relief he needs!
Oh, the pins--I am going to email you about that.

Nancy said...

It looks like you have a great space for quilting in your basement, Robin!
Oh, those UFOs. I've been asking myself why I don't just finish them in the first place instead of laying them aside and having to come back to them. I think next year will have to be another finishing year with not many new starts. Sigh.
How fun to see your Cheddarback on the floor. I think the backing fabric you chose will look great.
You're making good progress on your other two quilts, too. Won't you feel wonderful to finish Plaidish so you can begin Cheddarback!

Quilting Babcia said...

I love the backing fabric you've chosen for Cheddarback. Will you also use it for the binding? Your Plaidish quilt is beautiful too and your hand quilting is going to be the perfect touch as always. Every time I see an example of this quilt I wonder why I haven't tried one yet. I hope your husband's mri will give the doctors the info they need to repair his back so he's out of pain and able to resume his activities when the weather warms again in the spring.

Julierose said...

Oh so sorry to hear about your hubby's back !! I can surely empathize...Pt didn't do anything for me except make things worse. But a lot of people get good results I know. Best of luck...
You are such an organized quilter!! When I can resume my machine work and handling of bigger pieces I will "get to" finishing up the poor unfinished pieces in my "closet of shame"!! Looks like you are making good progress on those lovely quilts...
Hugs for a good weekend...

Angie in SoCal said...

Love the backing you picked for your sampler. I'd buy more pins myself. That way you can keep working on that one, too. They are all so pretty. You are an inspiration to getting those UFOs done. Thanks for stopping by at AHIQ.

audrey said...

Hope your husband is doing better! Husbands can be quite demanding without even realizing it at times.:) Your list of quilts to be finished is impressive. I can see how it feels like a job sometimes. The creative part is done but the work needs to be accomplished to see the finish!

Pam said...

Your projects are wonderful. As an appliquer, I especially admire the applique work on your design wall. I am sorry to hear about your husband but he does not sound like a complainer and that is to the good. It is terrible what hoops we have to jump thru to get the medical care we need. Really sweet of you and yours to take care of the garden for him.

I'm always sewing something

I made  little set of curtains for my back door.  I love looking out on the backyard but when I come into the kitchen after dark in my night...