Monday, February 28, 2022

Busy Quilting Day

I have got so much on my mind of quilt related things I want to get done.  The first one is to get the next  quilt ready .  It's time to get it on the frames.

I got the backing made last week from a Charles Wysocki piece (I love Charles Wysocki's art).   I had to add a strip down the middle to get it wide enough. 

I thought it would go pretty well with the top because of the cheddar color in the windows.  The stripe is a blue ombre piece from the Wiscasset line by Minick and Simpson.  I used some of that fabric in the stars on the front.

Here is the quilt top all ready to pin baste.  It laid  so nice and smooth.  I had it pinned in no time.

And here it is ready and waiting.  I'm going to quilt it using "Big Stitch" and cheddar colored DMC Pearle cotton.  I'm not sure of the design for the solid blue squares but I have some ideas in mind.  I'll just have to see what looks best.

I am almost finished with the Cheddarback/Children's Hour quilt.  I just need to quilt the block with the flying geese, the last sashing strip, and the brown star block to the right.  I like to have the next quilt ready to sit down and quilt before I finish the current one.  That way I don't waste any of my actual quilting time because it's ready to go.  

I am always surprised to find a mistake when I'm quilting because I think that mistakes should be found and corrected during assembly.  BUT,  I found a gap in this log cabin block.  The fabric in the strip to the right of the pin doesn't have a seam allowance.  It just stops at the edge of the piece it's supposed to be sewed to.  I guess I was in a hurry.  

I put some fabric glue on it and  decided to sew a circle over the mistake to give it some stability and a little whimsy.  I used some of my Jo Morton Little Women fabric.

It's not very  noticeable with all the other things that are going on in this quilt.

I found another problem on the opposite side of the quilt top where I put another face to cover it up.  It was a hole caused by the pin I used for pin basting.  It is quite noticeable so I may need to come up with another idea.

I've also been putting fabrics together to sew something with my pseudo-antique orphan block  (far left) for Lori of Humble quilts Antique Blocks Challenge.  Here and Here. My block isn't really an antique but it's pretty old.  It was from my MIL's stash that I inherited when she passed on.  I need to get busy because it's supposed to be completely finished by May 30th.

 And then, it's the last day of February and the new clue for the Aunt Daisy Quilt comes out tomorrow. 

 So, I need to get all 144 of these flying geese units trimmed to make 72 double flying geese units before tomorrow.  I am trying a 'new to me method' for making the flying geese.  I accidently cut out twice as many as I needed -drat!  I'm hoping I can use the extra cuts for some HSTs or Hourglass blocks that will be coming up. 

I got the red house quilt top put together except for the top border. It looks so pretty.   I want to do some applique on the top border but I haven't got it planned out in my mind yet.  Sometimes it helps to work on something else while a design takes hold.

Isn't it amazing how we can have so many projects in the process and know exactly where we are on each of them.  And then while we are working on them we have other ideas spinning around in our head.

It never gets old.


PS  I think I'm keeping my mind busy so I don't have to think about what's going on in the Ukraine.  It's so terrible and I feel so helpless to assist

Monday, February 7, 2022

Good Morning!

 Breakfast was a warm cup of Ibarra Chocolate (cocoa), a dish of home canned apricots, and a slice of date nut bread.  Some of my favorite things. . . 

A shout out for Julie at Julie K Quilts who sent me this quilty package of goodness. 

I won a drawing on her blog for the cute zipper key ring bag.  It so sweet and citrus-y you can almost smell the lemons.  She included some red and white fabric - bonus!  I immediately cut some hearts out and sewed them together for my 9 yr. old class at church.  

Didn't they turn out cute?  Thank you so much Julie.

And in case I forgot, I'd like to thank Janet from Roguequilter for some of her fabulous homemade soap at Christmas.  She is one of the most thoughtful bloggers ever.  I'd share a picture but the bars are no longer in a state for a beauty shot.  sigh~

Thanks so much to both of you for your considerate and welcome gifts.

I decided to take out the 2 floral house blocks from my current house quilt project.

The whole reason I wanted to make this quilt was so I would have a red and white quilt.  I love this fabric so I thought I would add it to the mix.

It did look cute but it wasn't the vibe I was going for.  

So, they have become orphan blocks.  But, I don't think they'll stay orphan blocks for long because they would look great in a Christmas quilt.

I machine  quilted a long time UFO on lSaturday.  It is just a mini but it's one of the first things I put together when I started quilting in earnest in 2002 or so.  As soon as I finish the binding I'll get a picture.  It's simplicity and innocence give me some good memories.

One of my sons called Saturday afternoon and said he wanted to have a family dinner and would provide the food but could we have it at my house.  That was great!  Not everyone came on such short notice but he brought halibut and salmon from his fishing trip to Alaska and pumpkin cookies.  I made a fruit salad and opened some bottles of green beans.  It turned out great.

I didn't have any whipping cream for the fruit salad.  I sometimes just use yogurt but that didn't sound good.  I found a small package of instant banana pudding in the pantry.  I made that up with less liquid than it called for so it would be extra thick.  I'm not sure I would do it again but the salad was completely gone at the end of the evening so I guess it wasn't too bad.

Hope you have a great day!


Exchange, quilt on the floor, autumn

  I have been working all week on an exchange we are having in my quilt group.  We are exchanging any size (mine are 12") pumpkin block...