Friday, March 25, 2022

A sweet surprise

I got a sweet surprise package in the mail last week.  Janet O. made this adorable mug rug.  She said no person should have just one and so she made me this cute little miniature quilt in her signature purple.  Such a delightful little thing.

I set it up on the mantle with my blackbirds.  I'm not sure it's going to get used as a mug rug.
My pictures are a little dark.  It must have been a cloudy day.

She also sent me a cute little "Quilty" note pad.  It was so sweet.  Thanks again Janet.

 I made the first block in Blockheads 4 that just started Wednesday.  I've been wanting to use some of my Minick & Simpson scraps and when I got into the box there was a whole layer cake of Prairie Paisley II from a few years ago.  So I dug in.  I hope I keep up with this because another red, white, and blue quilt never hurt anyone!  

The other thing I like about this is that I've been working hard to finish up the UFOs and the hand quilting sometimes lasts much longer than my interest level does.  Making one block a week will give me a respite from hand quilting and change things up a little.

Hope your day is sunny. . . 


Monday, March 14, 2022

A sweet finish

I completed the hand quilting on my SAL with Gay Bommers of Sentinmental Stitches called Cheddarback.   My quilt is called Children's Corner (which I have mistakenly been calling Children's Hour) after a collection of pieces for children by Debussy. 

Here is a (not very good) picture of the whole quilt.  I don't have anyone to hold it up for me right now and the ground is covered with frost outside so this is as good as it gets.  I'll get a better picture outside as the weather allows.

This is a picture of from the back side.  It is a bit dark because I wanted to show the quilting. 

The picture below shows the true coloring.  I used the same fabric for binding.

I think I enjoyed every part of this quilt.  I enjoyed learning how to make new blocks, I loved deciding on fabrics.  I enjoyed hand quilting it too but, I've got a catch in my sit-down from quilting for 3 hrs. at a time.  I need to get up and move around more.  One of the hazards of quilting I guess.

I'm working on the applique for the top border of the house quilt.  It is going to take longer than I was hoping but it will be worth it. 

The picture above shows how much I've prepped.  I ran out of pins (on that particular pin cushion) so I am sewing the left side and will continue on as the pins become available.  There is a section of the border that is overhanging on the right side of the table.  So, it is a larger than it shows.

Some signs of spring - the yellow crocus' are up with a grin in the front. The yellow ones always come up before the purple or white.  Yellow seems like a hearty color in nature.

I working on the quilt I call "Marshfield" using big stitch in cheddar colored pearl cotton (with a little red in the middle).  I like the way it is turning out and it goes together fast.  I've already turned one row under.  There is a picture of the full quilt on my right sidebar.

 And, I'll leave you with what I was left with yesterday after two sweet little boys came for a visit.  I guess this house and my house will have to wait for another day to play.


  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...