Friday, April 1, 2022

Nervous energy

I'll start with the only quilt related part of this post.  I'm still working on my Marshfield quilt.  It's going fast but it will probably still take me another month to finish it.  I'm a little over half way.  I love those pops of cheddar.  This is fun to quilt.

The apricot trees were pruned this week.  My husband brought in a few branches to bloom inside.  But, the weather has been so warm that the branches outside are blooming too.  

I saw this tree on a spring walk this week.  Evergreens are so sturdy,  Any other tree would be bent over with the weight of these pinecones.  So, pretty against the spring blue sky.

I was an avid doll collector about 20 years ago.  I have sold or given away much of my collection but I still have these little storytime dolls and miniatures that I like to display occasionally for the grandkids.

But, Easter is on it's way so it's time to decorate with all the bunnies.  I have other stuff too but I love the bunnies.

I've been trying to finish the blouse above.  It is a bear.  I'm so used to sewing on cotton that trying to sew on this rayon is like torture.  I need to unpick again this morning because the ruffles don't match at the top like they should.  I'm determined to finish this before I make any other clothing for myself.  AND, I'm in great need of new clothes.  Covid not only kept the stores closed for quite a while but it diminished my desire to go shopping and online shopping never brings clothes that fit (I hate returns).

In-between quilting at the frames I've been working on a Cross Stitch UFO.  I loved the hand dyed fabric but it is 32 ct. and my eyes get so tired.   So I basted some waste canvas over the top and am stitching the design on that.  When I'm done I'll pull out the waste canvas and "Voila!" I'll have this Halloweenish design on the beautifully dyed aida.  I've never tried this idea before but I don't know why it wouldn't work.   (If there is Cross Stitch police - I'm sure they are shuddering)

 And, once again we have been visited by the fence crashing gremlin.  Only this time we know who it is and they are willing to help pay for the repair.

  You can see the previous hole in our fence from January here.

My husband hit a different corner of the fence last year.  So. . . . 

The old superstition that bad things come in threes is over.



Quilting Babcia said...

That fence corner looks like a truck magnet! The Marshfield quilt is so pretty with the rich autumn fabrics and your stitching is marvelous. Once upon a time I had a small "princess doll" and my sister had another, given to us by an aunt. They were so special to us at the time, and our first sewing experience was making them dresses from oddments available to us at the time, a button dress and a newspaper outfit are two that I still recall. Good times! Have a great weekend!

Janet O. said...

I really admire your commitment and skill at hand quilting, Robin!
At first glance I thought those branches were pussy willows, but then I realized my mistake. Such fun signs of Spring, but way too early!
Isn't that an interesting configuration of pine cone growth.
I remember those little miniature dolls, though I never owned any. That is a fun collection.
Oh, you are valiant to sew your own clothes. I gave that up mostly when I got serious about quilting.
Up north of you here, it shut down the clothing stores for good. There is almost nowhere to buy good women's clothing in our valley now! But it still hasn't driven me to sew my own clothes again--yet. And I also struggle with so many returns. Good luck on the blouse. It will be pretty.
As long as your cross-stitch method works for you, that is all that matters.
That is crazy that your fence was crashed into again. But why is the person not responsible for the entire repair, instead of just "helping"?

Nancy said...

Gosh, this block looks great, Robin. The big stitching is so beautiful.
It's lovely to see branches blooming in a jar. Is it early for them to bloom outside in your area. We have cherry trees which have just nubs on them. I hope they won't bloom for another month or so. Our weather has been so variable. Today we had snow.
The branches on that tree are really sturdy to hold all those cones. (From what I hear, the roots of conifer trees are pretty shallow.)
I don't remember those dolls but they look so cute. Were they collectibles only or did children play with them (in general, not yours in particular)?
Great fabric for your blouse. I really like it. I hope you can get it the way you want it. I still sew clothes but have trouble finding fabric (even for clothes I choose cotton) and patterns, too. I don't do well at altering patterns for a good fit and am, more or less, at the mercy of the pattern companies. I hope you get yours finished without too much more trouble.
I'm so sorry about your fence--again! It looks like it will be a big repair!

audrey said...

So frustrating about your fence! Hope you can finally get it fixed for good this time.:) Good luck on your blouse. I used to sew my own clothes a million years ago, but got out of the habit when my children were young. Very satisfying when everything goes well and the fit is just right.

Kaja said...

Spring came early here too, then two days of bitter frost this week and the blossom is brown on the trees. I am a big fan of that cheddar yellow- it always seems to lift a quilt.

I'm always sewing something

I made  little set of curtains for my back door.  I love looking out on the backyard but when I come into the kitchen after dark in my night...