Wednesday, May 4, 2022

It's not pretty but it's done

Well, it's definitely not something Joanna Gaines would create. . .   but my sewing room is upstairs now.  I had a tracker on my phone and it only took 78 trips up and down the stairs to get all my sewing paraphernalia transferred.  Whew!

Nothing is permanent - I was just trying to get it all in.  I've already had to pull the stack (to the right of the pillowcase full of scraps) apart to exchange the contents of one of the under-the-bed boxes.  That meant taking out all the stuff in front of it, pulling out the 2nd box from the bottom, exchanging contents, putting it back along with everything I had to take out.  My lower back complained the whole time - it's time to give it a rest.

I've tried to arrange things so the items I use the least are on the bottom and in the corner.  I have a number of projects in front or on top so I can just work on what's most available.  And, as I get things finished and empty some boxes - the room will not feel so full

Gotta be positive~

 This is no beauty shot but I've got my "go to" stash open and available.  It's on a shelving unit in front of a door.  Hey, it works~    The greens and blacks on the bottom shelf are the reason I had to make the exchange this morning.

So glad to have this task behind me.  



Rebecca said...

Speaking of which I wonder if Miz Joanna is a quilter and if she would ever ever show her real "sewing room" to the

JustGail said...

DH has asked if I should move all my sewing stuff to the basement, where I'd have about 2x the space. That would be an unwise move. It's not just the work to move and organize it all, but the knowledge that if I had mores space I'd probably fill it up with yet more stuff & stash. Besides, I like being upstairs able to look out a window.

My hip gave a twinge just thinking about making 78 trips up/down the stairs in this short of time. That's a huge amount of work you've done, well done on getting it moved so quickly. I hope your back forgives you soon.

Chookyblue...... said...

At least you have space to move into...... Goodluck fine tuning.....

Quilting Babcia said...

You must be exhausted from all those trips up and down the stairs. Yes the space is tiny but it is better than just the corner of the dining room table. Best wishes on getting the space organized as soon as possible.

Janet O. said...

Are you now housed in a spare bedroom? We can be positive by saying at least there is a room for you, and you didn't have to keep everything in boxes in a closet somewhere (however inconvenient some of the space may be).
I don't think I have ever had 78 stair trips on my tracker in a day, and I go up and down stairs a lot at my house. That is incredible, Robin. And to have made all the trips up with things in your arms--no wonder your lower back is bothering you! Today I was working on setting up the "family history center" in the basement family room, but it only gave me 19 trips. Did you get to soak in a warm bath afterward? With bubbles? ;)
I think it is a beauty shot when you have your "go to" fabrics visually available and handy! (And I hope no one needs to come through that door.) LOL

Denice Barker said...

You'll figure it out, and it's going to be easy now that the 78 trips up and down the stairs are over. Good luck!

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

Hurray, you did it! Looks like a sewing room to me!

Nancy said...

Wow, you didn't waste any time making that move, Robin! Compact it is but it seems that everything fits in (even though you don't have much space to move around). And I see some open space on the shelf in front of the door where you could put some more fabric. ;-) And, as you said, as you use fabric you'll gain more space and the room will feel less full.

I can certainly understand the pain after going up and down stairs 78 times with your arms full and then having to rearrange the box on the floor!

Your children will be grateful to you for all this effort, no?

Janie said...

I like your blog, why didn't I know this was here?
Congratulations on your move. I'll keep watching your progress!

audrey said...

What a wonderful thing to do for your children. I'd be grieving too, but also, so thankful for not having to store everything in totes out in the garage etc. I think this is going to be a rough year for many families in lots of different ways. Wowsers, that's a lot of treks up and down the stairs. Hope you at least celebrated with chocolate or something!:)

I'm always sewing something

I made  little set of curtains for my back door.  I love looking out on the backyard but when I come into the kitchen after dark in my night...