Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Urban Indigo 2007

 When I was moving my sewing room upstairs I came across projects that had been tucked in boxes and in the back of shelves - that needed to be moved out.

I figure if I make them up then that will mean my sewing space will slowly become less crowded.

I finished the first top today.'

The first one was this cute quilt made out of an Urban Indigo jelly roll from Fig Tree Quilts.  I also had the sashing and border fabric to go with it.  It went together pretty fast.  The unique border was fun but it's certainly not perfect.  

I need to piece the backing, buy some batting, and give it to a donation place for quilting.  

It is a blustery day today as you can tell.

One down at least. . .  and I've already decided on the next one. . . a kit from American Jane that my sister gave me years ago.  



Janet O. said...

Oh, this is a fresh and pretty finish, Robin. A very nice donation quilt.
I look forward to seeing the next project.
I am hoping to clear some space in my sewing room this year with more finishes, too. Now if I could just quit signing up for more SALs!!

Quilting Babcia said...

That will be a pretty donation quilt for someone needing a comforting hug and bit of warmth.

Frog Quilter said...

Hi Robin. I make quilts for chemo patients so if you would like to donate it please let me know. Thanks in advance.

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

One down and it's lovely. The unusual border really adds something special. What a beautiful blustery but sunny day too!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh gosh - that is so pretty!!!
Beautiful colors!

Chookyblue...... said...

The things you find when Gabe's a major sort or move...... I've having a major sort and yes finding projects party done.....
This is a lovely quilt....

Chookyblue...... said...

Oops meant to say having

Nancy said...

The colors in this quilt are so spring-like and inviting, sunny, even. The colors and tones are so beautiful together and the pattern is perfect. Congrats on such a speedy finish! Will you quilt it by hand?

Kaja said...

Nancy is right - the colours are perfect for this time of year. Congratulations on tackling your backlog - hopefully it won't be long before you will start to feel the benefits.

audrey said...

Yesss! It feels so good to finish up the languishing projects. This one turned out very sweet.:)

What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...