Friday, September 23, 2022

Ravens - Block 5 done

 I finished Block 5 of the Ravens quilt by Blackbird Designs.  The pattern came out in 2016 and I am just now getting around to making it.  But, to be honest, there are many more things in my sewing studio that are much older than this.

The colors are a bit unusual and they kind of clash in a good Halloweenish way.  It's almost like listening to music with discordant notes..  I love the purple fabric that I used for the house with it's images of orchids on it.  Very different from what I'm used to using.

I included my interpretation of this plant (on the lower left of the block) that comes up each autumn in the garden.  I have no idea what it is.  Large green leaves come up in late spring and die back about mid-summer.  Then in the fall the leafless stock shoots up with these bright berries.  It is really an intense orange color.

I'm going to work on Block 6 next.  It will go much faster because there aren't as many pieces; one large bird, a pumpkin, stems and leaves.  I will still need to make berries but they will be larger.

I did the house block first to get the busiest block out of the way.

I've been going through my fabric to find big pieces to sew together for backings.  I am normally a wholecloth backing type of quilter but I've got a number of large pieces left over from other projects that don't really go with anything and need to be used up.  

Upward and onward.



Quilting Babcia said...

This is going to be such a fun quilt! I love your house fabric too, especially with the contrasting yellow window fabric.. That's a very interesting plant, seems like i should know what it is but nothing is coming to mind yet.

Julierose said...

this is really a beautiful block--so evocative of the Halloween Season...nice work, Robin hugs, Julierose

Nancy said...

This block looks spectacular, Robin! I was thinking about it yesterday and realized that Halloween colors have altered since I was a child, when orange and black were the ones. These days it seems that purple and gold are the Halloween colors of choice. Anyway, I think this is going to be a spectacular quilt! And I like your interpretation of the little flower with orange berries. It's such a fun, personal addition. I'm looking forward to seeing the next block.

Chookyblue...... said...

there a bit of work in that block....goodluck.......

searsportquilter said...

I think that plant is the seed head of a Jack-in-the-Pulpit.

Do you remember this quilt?

  This quilt called "Timeless Treasures" by Mabeth Oxenreider came out in the American Patchwork & Quilting magazine in June o...