Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Not much sewing around here

The time for getting new flooring is almost here.   This is my tiny living room that no longer has that carpet on the floor.  My husband tore it out yesterday along with all the tiles in front of the front door.  

This is the dining area where the flooring is being replaced tomorrow.  I will be confined to my bedroom because the hall is getting done too.    At last. . . the upheaval in the house is almost over.

I've moved my floor hoop and a chair into the bedroom along with a heart stuffing project.  There is a TV as well and I have four books checked out from the library.

This is the basement that won't receive it's makeover until Thursday.  But, after Thursday I can put all the stuff back into the closets, clean off my sewing table that now has all the dishes from my pie safe.  I can replace the coats in the coat closet, put things back onto the linen closet floor, and the furniture can come in so there is a place to sit down on something other than a stool or a folding chair.  My backside aches from sitting on hard surfaces.  (I know, I'm really spoiled.)

The weather has been unusual for May.  It snowed on Sunday, a big slushy wet cold snow.

The lilac above and the wisteria below were shivering in the cold an the unexpected layer of snow.

Today we are getting rain and the mountain tops are in shadows and mists.

The slight sunshine on top of the rain is making the streets shine.  

Lori at Humblequilts  is talking about doing a Sew-a-long later this year.  She will be making the Oak Hills Farm quilt (below) by Lori Smith if you want to join along.

I'm making progress on my All Around Town quilt and there is a progress picture above in my sidebar and below.

Hopefully more quilting in my next post.


Frog Quilter said...

I just finished having my main level done in hard woods. OMG what an ordeal but totally worth it. A dream come true!

Quilting Babcia said...

So much turmoil but the end result will make it so worthwhile. We desperately need new floors in the kitchen, dining area and laundry-pantry room, but don't have the wherewithal to accomplish all the heavy moving of appliances and furniture that would need to be done to ready the space. The next owner will have to do it!

Nancy said...

Home improvements create such a lot of upheaval, but in the end, things are so much better! Won't it be wonderful to get everything back to its rightful place?! I hope you enjoy the time in your bedroom. I wouldn't be able to resist a nap in your circumstances.
Snow! In May?!!!! I hope none of your plants were ruined.
I remember your All Around Town. I think it has that wonderful cat with the arched back in it, right?

Chookyblue...... said...

flooring is the worst as you need to move so much.......goodluck getting everything back into order............

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

You will have to show us your new flooring. Home projects like that are so disruptive but worth it in the end.

Linda said...

How exciting for you, but oh what a feeling of discombobulation you must have - lol! Our son and DIL are going to have to replace carpet in their big 2-story house before they sell, and oh they are dreading it.
I checked out Lori's blog and I sure might be interested in that sewalong. I found the pattern and have it bookmarked - the quilt is gorgeous!

Kaja said...

I hope the worst of your upheaval is done and that you are happy with the results. I like your photo of the shining, wet street a lot.

Janet O. said...

The upheaval is always hard, but is it so much better now? Of course, I am assuming it is finished, and what do I know?
I hope the lilacs and wisteria recovered from the heavy snow. Ours weren't out yet, but they are now, and not doing real well. I've got about 16 lilac bushes--one died, another 4 or 5 have absolutely no buds this year. And only a couple of the ones that are blooming are full of blossoms. I don't know what is wrong. I've never seen so many of them do so poorly in one year.
That is a wonderful quilt Lori will be hosting in her SAL. I would love to make it, but alas, I continue with my "no new starts" diet. ;)

Barwitzki said...

What a beautiful house quilt... these colors. I love color :-)))
Good luck working around the house.
A warm greeting comes to you from Viola

What I've been doing

 while I was impatiently waiting for my new phone to work right.  We got new phones on August 21st and I could call and I could text but I c...