Monday, February 10, 2025


So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks done.  I'm also determined to use up my Thimbleberries stash that I recently discovered again.  As I was sewing this week I remembered that I had a UFO (two actually) using Thimbleberries fabrics.  If I used the fabrics up in the quilt pictured above then I might not have enough to finish the UFO.

So, I switched projects.  I wanted to make the quilt below out of the usual 1930's fabrics as well as  Thimbleberries fabrics so I would have a reversible quilt.  That's why I actually have 2 UFOs.  

I was making 2 of every block and somewhere along the line this project got derailed.

It takes some mustered enthusiasm to work on a project but to stop midstream from one project to another has me a little off balance.  but, here I go. . . 

Here are the blocks that I had already made.  I was hoping I was farther along than this.  But, I got to work this week and like an impending storm I've been sewing with gusto. 

I found the pattern and fabric up on a shelf in my sewing room.  I think I started this quilt sometime in about 2010 or something.  It might have been as early as 2008.    Lynette Jensen stopped production of Thimbleberries fabric in 2012.

This was the first block I made.  It's not perfect and was harder than I thought it was going to be because those pieces are so small.  But, it's a pretty little  block, I can press out the unevenness,  and it's done.  

This is what my progress looks like now.  I like to think I'm a little over halfway. 


Those little 6" blocks are bears to sew.  I think I've got four more and they look a little more simple like a churn dash and such.  There is a slew of bowtie blocks in a row but those are easy enough to make.

I've got a number of large pieces of fabric that I'm going to cobble together as backings for both this quilt and the original one I started.  It's turning out to be quite a  nice little quilt.  I can see why I wanted to make it in the first place but I didn't intend it to be a marathon sewing project.



cityquilter grace said...

very anbitious and terrific progress so far...i loved thimbleberries fabrics, have a few of them still....good books of theirs as well

Julierose said...

Wow all those little blocks--many small pieces for sure, robin! You are doing such a lovely job on is really pretty...
Hugs, Julierose

Linda said...

I really love the design on that Timeless Treasures quilt. Wow that sampler block must have some tiny pieces, but it sure is pretty.

Denice Barker said...

Wow! Look at you go! I love how the Timeless Treasures is shaping up. I'm sure you'll love it. Bitsy piecing for six inch blocks would just about kill me. Good luck! It's going to be a beauty.

audrey said...

Go YOU! Thimbleberries had some wonderful fabrics, always good blenders and such. There is usually a lot of satisfaction in finishing up one of these languishing projects.:)

Nancy said...

Your Timeless Treasures looks great! I really like the colors and fabrics you've used so far. It will be a great quilt.
The Thimbleberries sampler quilt looks like a lot of work, and your blocks look great. Six-inch blocks can be a challenge. The Everyday Patchwork is all 6" blocks, too, but I think the ones in your quilt are more challenging. I love the star block on the right with pink, blue, red, and gold, and also the applique block in the center of the blocks in the photo. That one looks like it's mostly applique? It must have taken a while to make.

Quilting Babcia said...

You're right, this is going to be a wonderfully sweet quilt. I've just recently found and used up an older Thimbleberries fabric in a donation quilt. Guess we all went through a Thimbleberries phase in our quilting journeys.

What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...