Monday, June 12, 2017

Applique, charm quilt, and fabric in the mail

I've been busy appliqueing again this week.  I finished the gold tree, stitched the pig, a cat, and the bull.  I love the fabric for the bull.  The wings and the tail of a bird are in the upper left hand corner - more birds to follow.

I got started on the other tree.  I figured I'd work a little on it and then do an animal or bird.  Then do a little more.  That way it will feel like I'm getting more accomplished and it will be more interesting.

I' put my charm quilt on the frames finally.  I'm doing a big stitch around each diamond and into the border.  I like the way the border looks.  I'm hoping it will go quickly and I can finish it up by the end of June.  But, the appliqueing time cuts into my quilting time.  Although July's humidity is not far away and I'll welcome the cooler temps of the basement where the quilt frames are.

Now here is the fabric saga.  I ordered some fabric from Country Sampler in Spring Green WI last week.  I mentioned it in my previous post.  I got a call two days later to tell me that they only had 1 yard of the lovely fabric that I wanted 3 yrds. of for a border.  So I cancelled the whole order including a book that was on sale.

I was very disappointed.

This is a little washed out.  It is much prettier in person

It was a birthday present in a way.  But I decided to go to the Windham fabric site to see if I could get a better picture of the focus fabric since the pictures on my blog didn't come through very well.

On the Windham site I found other stores that carried the fabric (by Jeanne Horton) and so I ordered some from Threadbear in Georgia.  Yippee!  The fabric was cheaper and so was the postage.  Win, win.

Except I was on my IPAD and having never ordered anything on it before - there was a learning curve.  When I clicked on the Place Your Order tab a screen came up saying there was an error when I sent my credit card information (not very encouraging)  but not to worry.

Artsy photo

I looked for the confirmation email the next day.  It never came.  Frustrated, I just decided I wasn't meant to have this fabric and gave up.  That was Wednesday.

The blue is more gray and the pink is more salmon.

I surprisingly got an email on Thursday saying my order had shipped.

My package arrived Saturday.  To say I was thrilled is putting it mildly.  I will order from Threadbear again and again with that kind of service.

This is the way I imagine the fabric for a border.  Probably not for this quilt but you get the idea.

Pretty, pretty border fabric

This is a picture of one corner of my CW BOW from Barbara Brackman a few years ago.  I appliqued a little border but I've never put it together.

I also found the book I had originally ordered from Country Sampler at Amazon Marketplace for a cheaper price.  Who knew?

Now, I just want to say that Country Sampler is still one of my favorite places.  They couldn't help that the fabric I wanted was selling out so fast.  That's a good thing, right?

And last, but not least, dessert.  This is the way my DH coats his desserts with whipped cream.  There is some key lime pie under all that sweetness.  Too funny!

Hope the day finds you with a needle in hand,

I am linking with  Design Wall Monday on Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Go check it out!


Wendy Caton Reed said...

Oh, those trees are sensational! Love the little animals too. Glad your fabric saga ended on a happy note!

Judy Hansen said...

Good progress on your animals and beautiful trees. Also beautiful border fabric - worth the wait! And I see nothing wrong with hubby's pie. Looks good to me!

JoanG said...

The border is looking great! You are giving me hope that when I reach these blocks I'll actually get through them in a month. Loved the shot of the whipped cream pie. My nephews and nieces always consider cakes and pies to be merely the vehicle for the application of huge amounts of whipped cream.

Janet O. said...

I am blown away by the appliqued trees, Robin!
You certainly went through a lot to get that border fabric, but it is a beauty!!
Hubby's pie makes me think of some friends that I go out to lunch with for birthdays. When we order dessert one always tells the waiter, "It's all about the whipped cream!" One time the waiter brought her a bowl full of whipped cream with her little slice of dessert. She loved it!

LA Paylor said...

oh I'm all about the whipped cream. When my poodle Cole was alive, he'd get a bowl of whipped cream for his dessert! LeeAnna at not afraid of color

Binsa said...

Glad everything worked out for the fabric Robin enjoyed your post

Nancy said...

Your applique trees and animals are charming, Robin! I love your fabric choices. Will this become a quilt, a wall-hanging, ...? What an experience with your fabric. I'm glad you were finally able to get it. My husband does whipped topping much like your husband does. Haha.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Yay for the fabric Arriving!!! What a saga ;-) Love the trees you are making

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

That is some serious complicated applique you have going on there! :) The trees are so intricate!

Glad that you found your fabric. Your husband is like my DIL! I make a perfectly good fruit cobbler, and take about 3/4 of it down to them and the first thing she does is grab her whipped cream for it :)

Anonymous said...

I like your fabric order, and that WAS fast service! I still haven't put my Brackman blocks together, either. I keep meaning to, and then something gets in the way and the blocks are lost in other stuff until I stumble over them again.

What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...