Monday, June 5, 2017

I have been contentedly sitting in my settee, radio playing, needle in hand, cool air blowing, working on this rather intricate tree for the last week.  I think I've got the hang of it so it's going a little faster than it was when I started.  I had to force myself to work on it some days because it isn't particularly interesting going up and down - up and down using the same fabric day after day.  But, I knew it would be worth it so I kept plugging along.  It's looking great!

This is the tree on the left side of the lower panel on the Roseville Album quilt.  I would be getting close to celebrating the finish if it wasn't for the fact that I need to do another similar tree on the other side of the panel - gasp!

But, I've decided that's why summer was invented; a cozy niche to sit in and a project in my lap.

Speaking of summer, look what my DH brought in this morning.  Yum!!!

Here he is working hard digging up some plants he no long wants to keep.

The iris' are still blooming away.  They were gorgeous this year.

I just found this fabric at my favorite quilt store (that I've never been able to go to).  It is called Country Sampler  and is located in Spring Green Wisconsin.  When we stayed in Wisconsin I never could justify the  2 - 3 hr. trip.  Once we were about 1/2 hour away when we were out inspecting apartments but we were in too big of a hurry to indulge a whim.  Sigh~

This is a new line called Riverbanks by Jeanne Horton the owner of Country Sampler.  I think this piece would make a wonderful border or alternate blocks.   So. . . I ordered some.

My youngest son and his wife moved in the basement last week.  It is going to be fun to have them around for a while.

Off to eat as many strawberries as I want.........................

Hooking up with Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts & Doll Quilts


Judy Hansen said...

That is a beautiful tree, and the Roseville quilt project is a wonderful quilt.

Would you mind making a reference to the Design Wall Monday blog in your blog post? Thank you. It helps people who leave Design Wall Monday links to be able to link back there to go on to the next desgn wall post.

Janet O. said...

Oh, my goodness, Robin, that tree would scare me away from applique if hundreds of other things hadn't done it already! It is amazing. I applaud you!! And you will be doing another one?!?
The berries look scrumptious! Mine are still little hard green things.
Beautiful iris. If we were closer we could swap rhizomes and increase our variety. : )
Was there supposed to be a link to the fabric you referenced? Didn't work for me. I'll go look it up.

Sherrill said...

I LOVE that shop! We were just pottin' around WI several years ago and I made it a point to go. Wish DH were still here to go with me again.

Karen said...

The tree looks like a more difficult applique block. All those curves! You are doing very good with it.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

That tree is quite and undertaking. One stitch at a time does make it less intimidating! I love the frog in the fabric. Your applique is wonderful! And Yum, I am looking forward to strawberries here in the next few weeks. Such an inviting picture with the tin pail and gingham table cloth. Sweet!

Hels said...

I think summer was invented so that the green-figured amongst us can grow and enjoy spectacular flowers, fruit trees, vegetables and herbs. Your photos look wonderful.

Hels said...
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What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...