Wednesday, June 28, 2017

This is what I did all month. . .

It took me a whole month to applique this piece.  It measures 16" X 48".  I didn't work on it every day.  Not Sunday and I usually skipped another day during the week.  But the rest of the days I spent 2 - 4 hrs stitching.  Whew!  Those trees are just something else...................

I decided to name the blocks as I go along.  The one above is the "Masochist"  (The tendency to invite and enjoy misery of any kind) block for obvious reasons.  I like the block I just don't want to ever put myself through that again.

The left side panel is "The Coloring Book" panel because it felt like I was picking out the most beautiful crayon and while staying within the lines, colored it in with fabric.

The bottom panel I just finished was originally named "The Garden of Eden"  because of the two trees.  Then I started on the animals and thought maybe "Old MacDonald" would be a more fitting name.  It was when I was appliqueing the goats horns and began to think about fainting goats that I came up with it's final title.  I call it the "Not for the faint of heart" panel.

I haven't decided which block or panel I will do next.  But, I do know it will be one of the easy ones for sure.

Harvest/canning season has started at our house.  I've put a bunch of peas in the freezer.  I've made both raspberry and strawberry jam and have frozen a bunch of those too.

At least, the ones we haven't just popped into our mouths right out of the garden - yum!

DH planted some new hollyhocks.  They are something to behold.  Remember making hollyhock dolls as a child?  I'm going to have to find some instructions because these would make some lovely hollyhock brides.


Nancy said...

When I start an applique I often imagine how long it will take -- and I always, always underestimate the time. It's easy to see why this panel took a month to complete. It has a lot of detail -- and you've chosen beautiful fabrics and colors. Excellent work! I remember hollyhock dolls but I don't remember how to make them. You white ones are gorgeous!

Chookyblue...... said...

Definitely worth the effort as it looks great.....

Janet O. said...

I was giggling as I read your thoughts about the names for each block, Robin. So refreshing to "listen in" on the real feelings as you worked on them. : )
They are absolutely out of this world, as far as I am concerned, and I would never have accomplished what you did in one month if I spent years at it!
Your berries must be doing very well. Wish mine were on.
Oh, such pretty flowers. I recall making hollyhock dolls at my grandma's house, but I couldn't tell you now how we did them.

audrey said...

Oh yes, I can read your determination to not let this applique get you down! So funny to read your thoughts about putting yourself though this. Aren't we the crazy bunch, bringing this on ourselves! Gorgeous, gorgeous applique work. Your determination has paid off in spades. This will be a fabulous quilt when finished!

Ramona said...

Your blocks are beautiful and your names are too funny! The quilt is going to be stunning. The hollyhocks are gorgeous!

Cathy said...

I have to admire people who can applique more complex things than (like me) a Dresden fan. this fun or what. This is almost like a Doctor Suess book (all of which I love) especially since you gave each panel names.

Carry on! This is wonderful.

Karen said...

It took you a month for the applique panel but it was well worth the effort. I am enjoying watching your progress.

Julie said...

Your applique is amazing! I am very impressed. I can't seem to stick with applique anymore, but have some projects to do. Great names for the blocks!

Kaja said...

Your applique is gorgeous and well worth the time you have spent; this is going to be an amazing quilt.

What to do with an old project.

 I've been working hard trying to finish up a couple of quilting projects. I started looking for something different to add some variety...