Tuesday, August 22, 2017

a little challenge

I wanted to participate with the Ad Hoc Improv Quilters  this quarter because they are adding words to their quilts.  I started this quilt and it would have been great but the addition of wording has taken it to a whole other place - I love it!

It was going to be just a scrappy Bears Paw quilt.

But now, with the addition of words it becomes something unique.

I'm not as creative as some others when it comes to IMPROV but I am having to change things up to fit the words in and add a few borders like the green swirl above.  (Actually that green swirl reminds me of a turtle shell close-up.) So, I'm getting a few creative juices going.  One step at a time I guess.

I have put words on quilts before.  I think it adds so much interest to the quilt.  It also reveals my thoughts and frame of mind as I come up with the right words.

The quilt top below is still in progress but I wanted to put words to a song my mother sang to us when we were children.  This is what I came up with.

 I appliqued the letters on after the top was completely pieced.  I'll plan ahead next time because it was really awkward.

It still needs a border treatment and maybe a bluebird or a sun or . . . .

My Birds in the Air quilt signifying freedom.

The picture above was my first attempt at putting lettering in a quilt.  I made bias strips and just folded them into the shapes of the letters and then appliqued them down.  I wanted a message that represented the civil war fabric I used in the rest of the quilt top.

This is a pattern by "Joined at the Hip" but I added a double row of hst instead of one large row and I also added the pots and lengthened the stems so I could use up as many of the hst as possible from an exchange.  This is the quilt that is in the hoop right now.

I'm enjoying this challenge and I'm linking up with Ad Hoc Improv Quilters at Sewslowly.com

Go check them out.


Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

I saw Audrey over at Quilty Folk mention the Words thing a week or so ago, and what came to mind was her Fire quilt which was wordy....

But how fun to see what YOU are doing with this / I just love it!! :)

The other examples are beautiful.

Ann said...

You are so ahead of me adding words to quilts. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of several ways to add them.
I agree that appliqueing words to a finished top is the toughest way. We must learn to think ahead a bit. Haha.
I can't wait to see how your Bear Paws with words turns out. Thanks for linking this thoughtful post with AHIQ and for joining us in the word invitation.

Janet O. said...

You have done some wonderful things with words on quilts, Robin. I can't recall that I have ever added words to a quilt. Maybe you will inspire me to try it one day.
I especially love the last two, and can't wait to see what you do with the current project.

Janie said...

Beautiful work!
I like your way with color.

Karen said...

I agree that words on quilts add interest. I made that marigold design but not as creatively as you. I don't think I have quilted mine.

JanineMarie said...

What a fun addition to your bear paws quilt! And I like what you did with the Zip a dee do dah words on the other quilt. Even though I'm sure it was a challenge, they are so playful, which is just right for that song!

Kaja said...

I love the idea of adding song words to a quilt - and my mother used to sing that one too. It is also interesting to see other ways you have used wording in the past. Now I am looking forward to seeing how your bear paws turns out.

I need to figure out a way to spend more time in my sewing space.  I realized this morning just now how much I miss creating.  I have been s...