Thursday, October 4, 2018

October's Song

A number of years ago I saw this little quilt by Jo Morton online and couldn't forget the colors.  They were so rich.

I looked for the pattern and discovered it was from Quiltmania but by the time I found the picture it was way past time to get this issue - drat!  I could have ordered one from France but that seemed a little too pricey.

In the meantime, Kathleen Tracy at A Sentimental Quilter  had a free pattern for a quilt block that I liked so I decided to make it using similar Jo Morton fabric.

I  liked it a lot.  It looks much richer in real life.  In fact, I liked it so much I decided I wanted to make a whole quilt of this block.  I collected fabric that related to autumn but not so much Halloween. 
And then. . . . . . .

I put the block, the pattern, and the fabrics (so pretty) in a bag and stuck it in a closet for over five years.  I love to age things - like cheddar.  I tasted some 10 yrs old cheddar when I was in Wisconsin and it retained it's flavor but mellowed somehow instead of getting more sharp.  I found some 25 yr. old cheddar but it was more than I wanted to pay.  But, I digress~

Last  week I was floundering in my sewing studio because I didn't have anything to do.  The room is full of fabric and patterns and inspiration but I had completed four UFOs and even though there are many more waiting completion, I wanted something new.  I couldn't concentrate on any one thing.  I finally decided that I would make something seasonal and so I began to hunt down the Kathleen Tracy block project. 

I thought I knew exactly where it was - but I was wrong.  An hour and a half later I found it on the floor of the fabric shelves, almost right in front of my eyes.  I was rather peeved because I could have spent that hour and a half sewing - grrrrrr.

Anyway, I decided to make 3 more blocks like the first one and sew them together for a center medallion, sorta, kind of.

I made one with an orange border.

It looked terrific too.  A few days latter I made another block with an orange border.  I was tempted to stop here and just make a table runner.

But, after thinking about it for a while longer I made another block with a black border.

And hung them on the design wall.

It makes me happy.  I was going to sew them together but my iron started leaking buckets (it's only 3 months old)  and I need to replace it.

What is it about irons?  I need to go to the store AGAIN.

I came up with an idea for a little 6" block to go around the center squares.  It's an hourglass block made with HST blocks instead of quarter square units.  I am going to applique circles in the middle and set them alternately around the outside.

This block has some whimsy in it.  It kind of reminds me of a clown costume or something.  I need to make 32 blocks.  I have the HST units sewn and calling to me from the studio.  I was just going to sew on something till the muse found me and instead I found it.

Guess what?
I found this issue of Quiltmania on Monday.
Yet again, I love the colors of the quilt on the cover. . . sigh.


Janet O. said...

I was following along and hoping that you would show all the blocks together. When you did near the end I got really excited! I LOVE how they look together. What a great Fall quilt!

Shelina said...

These are beautiful colors for a quilt. It looks like my squirrel infestation has taken over your brain too. Sorry.

Karen said...

Are you still wanting to make the Jo Morton design?

Kaja said...

I like this a lot! These are great autumn colours and it feels like it's going to be a quilt with a lot of character.

Angie in SoCal said...

What a lovely quilt you're putting together with those four blocks - a brilliant Fall quilt.

Ann said...

I like the little blocks you're adding as a border because they are particularly "yours." This is a great way to work - a bit from here, some from there, and a new idea, too. Great start.

Carli The Quilter said...

Gorgeous selection of blocks, very autumn or halloweenish for sure. I too just purchased the most recent quilt mania magazine, its by far my favorite magazine!

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  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...