Monday, February 18, 2019

Red dye rubbing on other fabric

I have received some really interesting and informative comments to my last post about the color rubbing off from the red sashing to the lighter background pieces.

One was from MJ in Michigan (no blog).  She states;

Maybe the problem wasn't fabric bleeding. It could Be from crocking where the color from heavily dyed fabric rubs off onto other fabric. The thick areas could have pressed into the dark sashing fabric causing the color transfer. It may wash out if you use color catchers.

I had never heard of crocking before so I looked it up.  The example that was given in the meaning was like when you have a new pair of jeans and the blue dye rubs off on to your shirt or socks.  I think that has happened to everyone - hasn't it?

I think that's exactly what has happened here.

I got another comment from Janet of Roguequilter and she states:

As far as the red goes, I could be wrong, but I think that red fabric is one of the early Judie Rothermel prints that was carried by Jo~Ann, even though it is a Marcus Brother fabric. I was just handling some of it the other day, and it isn't the same quality as Judie Rothermel fabrics of today. Interesting that it would transfer color in storage but not bleed when wet.

That's what I have. . . .  9 yds. of a lighter weight fabric with Judie Rothermel Marcus Bros. Textiles on the very narrow selvage.  Judie Rothermel fabric today is wonderful but evidently this fabric from years ago wasn't the same quality.

Thanks so much to both of you for helping me solve this conundrum.



Janet O. said...

Judie's designs are some of my favorites, but those fabrics that Jo~Ann carried back in the mid to late 90s aren't the same quality. I feel the same way about some early Fons and Porter prints--can't recall if they were at Jo~Ann, but the quality isn't the same as their later lines.

audrey said...

I do hope this works out for you and you can contain the dye! Stuff like this is so annoying when we spend so much time and energy to make our quilts look amazing!

Karen said...

I have experienced a problem with some of the early Rothermel prints also. Quality definitely improved at some point many years ago.

I'm always sewing something

I made  little set of curtains for my back door.  I love looking out on the backyard but when I come into the kitchen after dark in my night...