Saturday, February 16, 2019

Quilt talk

I finally found a piece of fabric that I had enough of to make the third border.  It is the same piece that I used for the background in the center.  I looked good, I was ready to be done, and I hung it in the closet to age.

But, as quilts do, it kept calling to me and telling me that calling it finished was a cop out!

That is; trying to avoid doing something that one ought to do.

synonyms:avoidshirkskipdodgesidestep, skirt round, bypass, steer clear of, evadeescape, run away from, shrink from, slide out of, back out of, pull out of, turn one's back on;

So, I ignored it as long as I could. . . and finally got it out to see what I could do to improve the situation.

The color of the background fabric is truer in the picture below.

I decided to do Broiderie Perse all the way around the border.  I cut out the motifs from the fabric that I had used in the outside of the center around the wheels.  (see first picture)

I've only appliqued two of them so far and I like the way it looks.  But, it's not something that I can do very fast so this sweet little quilt's finale has been postponed.  The cop out turned into applique, isn't that what always seems to happen?

The quilt that is on the frames has a problem I haven't run across before.  I have had fabrics bleed when I washed them but never have they bled during storage.  Can you see the pink tinge on the corners above and below.  It's on the pieces that have a thick seam beneath so they stick up a little.


I think it is from the sashing fabric but I don't really know if that's the culprit.  The interesting thing is that I've marked it with a water soluble marker and when I spritz it with water to remove the marking. . . it hasn't bled at all.

I'm almost finished with the big stitch quilting and then it will get a long soak and a thorough washing.

Curiouser and curiouser ~



MJinMichigan said...

Maybe the problem wasn't fabric bleeding. It could Be from crocking where the color from heavily dyed fabric rubs off onto other fabric. The thick areas could have pressed into the dark sashing fabric causing the color transfer. It may wash out if you use color catchers.

Kaja said...

Don't you hate it when a quilt tells you something you'd rather not hear? I like where it led you a lot though. I never think of broderie perse but it's a clever and unusual solution and I like it a lot.

Rebecca said...

I like the way the border applique will tie back in to the fabric you used on the edges...and I ffind it a real pain in the assets to work thru 5 screens to prove I am not a robot...

Nancy said...

Quilts can be so pushy, or perhaps insistent is a better word, sometimes. I'm amazed at how quickly you finished the center of this quilt, Robin. I think it looks wonderful. I like your broderie perse. I think it will add a lot of interest to the border.

Janet O. said...

I like the way you have brought the center of the quilt to the border with the outer border fabric. And the further tie-in with the fabric you are using for the broderie perse is a great idea! This is clicking now!
As far as the red goes, I could be wrong, but I think that red fabric is one of the early Judie Rothermel prints that was carried by Jo~Ann, even though it is a Marcus Brother fabric. I was just handling some of it the other day, and it isn't the same quality as Judie Rothermel fabrics of today. Interesting that it would transfer color in storage but not bleed when wet.

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...