Thursday, June 27, 2019

This week's sewing

I've been working all week to catch up on the cheddarback quilt SAL.  I had decided not to continue after the first two months because some of the blocks didn't turn out the right size and it was frustrating to go to all that work and not be able to use it.

So, after holding off for a couple of weeks, I finally decided that I would regret not making this quilt.  I figured out how to print the 4th month patterns and I got busy.

I added the extra block in the second group, such a cute block.  I added the four shoo-fly mini blocks from another project.  The were just the right size when sewn together - who knew?

I made the other basket block by cutting out all the little pieces, not paper piecing.  When it was finished it measured 6 3/8" instead of the 5 1/2" it was supposed to.  Yet, another block not turning out the correct size.

But, not to be too discouraged, I'm gong to put setting triangles on it (ooh! maybe string pieced) and make it into a 12 1/2" block to replace one of the future ones.

Now, with this done I'll go back to the blind man's fancy blocks and quilt.

Thanks for checkin' in,


audrey said...

Very, very frustrating when blocks don't turn out the correct size. Kudos to you for sticking with it though! This is looking so good.:)

Jeanne said...

Your blocks look great! I subbed in an easier version for that challenging basket.

Janet O. said...

Oh, how maddening to have blocks come out the wrong size. I had that happen once with a pattern from a famous designer. I read and reread the pattern to see if it was my error. Then I finally redrafted the parts that hadn't worked, subbing the measurements I knew would work.
But your basket blocks is beautiful and I am glad you figured out a way to use it somehow.

Kaja said...

Well done for sticking with it, despite the frustration of blocks coming out the wrong size. It's looking like it will be worth the effort in the end.

Nancy said...

Ohh, your blocks look so good! It looks like you succeeded perfectly with Block 17 (I think that's the one where the 8 points meet). Your basket looks great but sorry about the size. For me, it was probably one of the few that's come out the perfect size. I can't figure out what my problem is with sizes for these blocks. I know they SHOULD come out right, and I think my seams are the correct size, but I'm doing something wrong.

Susan said...

I like that basket, and I think it's perfect for your plan. I think the SLOL quilt really loosened me up about making patterns that are exactly like the original. This will be so pretty in your quilt, and it ought to be there! =)

Quick Post

 I finally figured out what I wanted to put in the corners of my bird center blocks.  I think the stars fill the space nicely.  I also added...