Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Celebrating Mary Brown update #2

I'm calling this quilt Alice Jane Blue after a name I found while doing genealogy.  I think she is the mother of the spouse of one of my ancestors.  I'd have to go look it up.  But, I loved the name and thought it was appropriate for this quilt made with Alice in Wonderland hints.

So, here are my 3rd and 4th block  The first block looks much like a block from last month except for the dangling leaf on the lower right where Alice is falling down the rabbit hole.

This is supposedly the pineapple block.  But I made it the 'down the rabbit hole' block although it looks more like a Faberge egg - ha!

And here are all four of the blocks.  Alice Jane Blue is coming together. . .

Hope you'll go visit the others who are participating in the SAL to see the way different people are interpreting this pattern.

A big welcome to Rebecca of Quilting in a Polar Bear Garden who is new to the group.
Anyone can join, just contact Karen below to be included in the monthly updates.
Karen at Log Cabin Quilter
Jennie at Over the Hill and Running
Julie K at Julie K quilts
Cathy B at Big Lake Quilter
Nanette at Do it Right Quilter  and
Jan (who has no blog)

It was time to make an apple pie, so I got some large Granny Smith apples,  used brown sugar instead of white, and put them in a 50% whole wheat crust.  It was absolutely  delicious.

I'm working on the binding of the quilt that was in the hoop on the right.  I just cut strips from the leftover scraps and made them into the binding.  Hopefully I'll have a picture before this posts.

Not a great picture but a picture nonetheless.

Enjoy you day,


Cathy said...

I absolutely love your blocks. The fabrics are fantastic. You pie looks delicious. Hugs

Jeanne said...

Your Alice theme is going to be wonderful! Yum, pie!!!!!

Karen said...

So very creative! Love the leaf with Alice's feet hanging down. I don't often see the last name "Blue". Such an appropriate name for your quilt.

julieQ said...

What beautiful colors you have chosen! Awesome blocks! Hey please fed ex that pie straight to me!

Julierose said...

Your Alice in Wonderland theme is lovely--the colors are beautiful...very creative thinking on this one...I really love that pineapple/Faberge-egg lol..hugs, julierose

Wendy Caton Reed said...

They are wonderful! I absolutely love Alice's legs dangling down!!

audrey said...

The pineapple block especially is fantastic! Love how these are coming along!:)

Janet O. said...

Your blocks look gorgeous together--and the nods to Alice in Wonderland are a fun touch.
Scrumptious looking pie. What kind of apples are they. I haven't attempted many apple pies, but I'd like to know what apples you prefer.
My Mom's pear tree produced lovely pears this year and we have had either pear pie or pear crisp almost every Sunday for 1 1/2 months. Just used the last of them this past Sunday

Gretchen Weaver said...

Your fabrics are beautiful! My husband would have loved a piece of the pie. Happy Stitching!

Rebecca in AK said...

I really like what doing with your Mary Brown aka Alice Jane Blue blocks. Very creative. I love that name! Your pie looks so delicious, I haven’t had apple pie since last Thanksgiving. My DH is diabetic so I do not bake as much as I used too.

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...