Friday, December 6, 2019

The one that got away

I made this quilt in 2018.  I didn't get it quilted till January of 2019 so this would have been the 1st Christmas for it to go on my bed.  I love this quilt.  It was so much fun to make and a delight to quilt.  But, I gave it to my youngest son and DIL who only have one of my quilts while the other 5 kids have multiples.

This is so silly but I am mourning the loss of this quilt.  It's not like I can't go see it if I want to (sigh) but I don't own it anymore.  Does anyone else do this?

I have/had five quilts that I consider Christmas quilts and they picked out two.  They were delighted.  It will now be part of their Christmas traditions which should make me happy - ya know?  It was so the right thing to do - share the wealth.

My husband said; "You could just make another one,"  And he's right. . . he's so right.

Who knew you could get so attached to something.  I usually have a slight detachment to the quilts I make as soon as they are finished.  I don't know why this one is different.

Some soul searching going on here~


Wendy Caton Reed said...

I have learned over the years to let go give my quilts with no strings attached. I must admit there are a few out there that I wish I still had near me!

Julierose said...

That very thing has happened to me...and finding out later that the person used it for a BEACH BLANKET just made me so sad...Maybe you should make it again--hugs, Julierose

Julierose said...

P.S. i have that book Sleigh Bells --have never made it though..

Frog Quilter said...

A good excuse to make another quilt. For me I’ll use any excuse lol!

Lin McQ said...

After the holidays, you could borrow it back so you can have it as a reference as you pick out fabrics for your new one...the one for you.

Ann said...

I've done that - given one that I wish I'd kept. Most of the time I can let them go just like you, but sometimes....
At least it was family and they really wanted it.

Janet O. said...

Yes, though most of my quilts are made for giving, I have had one now and then that was very hard to let go. I do think that mourning period is real. Though it may sound strange to some, we mourn more than the loss of loved ones.

Nancy said...

Grieving the loss of something dear to us.... I can identify with the feeling, not because I've given away a quilt that I love, but because I have several that I love and hope that no one asks for them! (Selfish me, huh?) I was afraid it might happen last weekend when my older daughter slept under a quilt I have on the couch and use for naps. She kept mentioning the things she liked about it. I went to bed before she got to the request (just in case she might have). ;-)
It is a beautiful quilt. Perhaps you could make another?

moosecraft said...

I can relate...I did some serious de-stashing this year....and only kept the stuff that I knew I'd regret not having. But yes, your hubby is can make another one...the folks you gift these to appreciate them because they can't quilt, but know the love and work that is stitched into'll feel better when you see them using and enjoying the quilt! :-)

JustGail said...

I wonder if it's because you had such a good time making it and could see it on your bed in your mind? I think I'd make another. If it doesn't bring the same happy feeling, maybe offer to swap the new for the original.

JustGail said...

I forgot to add - if you do make another, and it does make you just as happy, don't put it in the pile when offering a quilt to someone!

Jeanne said...

Love that quilt, it's a beauty! Yes, I get attached to some of mine also. But your kiddos will cherish it as they enjoy this beautiful holiday season!

Barb said...

It is hard. but I'm glad to hear it is in the family.
maybe you can make a trade with them for another one of yours :)

Karen said...

My friend and I are going to stitching along together on this very quilt pattern. We have another Jan Patek quilt stitch along planned that will come first though. I already have my fabric selected for the one you made and look forward to stitching it. I can see why you are missing your quilt. It is a good one. I have made more than one quilt from a pattern I really liked. Maybe you can too.

O'Quilts said...

Oh, yes...I love my stuff and I love my fabric..
I have five sewing machine...I gave the sixth one to my how I miss that machine...

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...