Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Is it too much red?

I have been wanting to do a Red & White quilt  for a long time.  I finally found something I wanted to do and so I started around February.  It was my Red & White houses quilt (SEE HERE

Then I found another Red & White quilt I wanted to do (SEE HERE) and got busy on that.

I thought I was finished with the house top but the quilt kept calling out from the closet. . .
  "I need a word strip border on my left side!" 

So, I finally gave in and have been working on it between company, summer, quilting at the frame, and just being SO DANG HOT!

I having trouble deciding whether to cut out and applique the center of the two O's or leave them  whole.  The "O" above is whole.

I cut out a white circle and put it over the "O" to see what it would look like appliqued open.  I don't know which I like best. . . 


 The other quilt, the Aunt Daisy quilt is making progress.  I sewing the blocks in strips first and you can see that I'm working on the bottom and top row of the block.  I've got the only finished block close by so I can prevent myself from making mistakes.

I love red and I know I'm going to love both of these quilts but I'm getting anxious to start something (or even finish something else) that has a variety of colors in it.

It's like having white lights or multi-colored on a Christmas tree.  Sometimes I want the bright crispness of white lights and other times I want the fanciful happy multi-colored ones.

The good news is that both of my Red & White projects are coming to a close soon and I can get a little more color in my life😏


I did sneak in a multi-colored purchase.  I bought this curated FQ bundle of Art Gallery Fabrics.


Saturday, July 2, 2022

Summer stays busy

I decided to make the Blockheads 4 blocks using my Minnick and Simpson scraps or maybe I should say my red, white, and blue scraps. I got caught up last week and it only takes one week to get behind.

The lower right block is just a filler until I get this weeks block made.  I haven't made the appliqued Jan Patek block yet but I want to.  I like the way there is a bonus block every few weeks so I can get more made or exchange one of the bonus blocks for one of the others.

I'm participating in the Aunt Daisy Quilt SAL.  I finished the first block today.  I'll make 8 more for a full sized quilt top.  My points certainly aren't perfect but I love the stark contrast of the red and white.  The white looks more like snow but it's really Kona white. Those triangle blocks are tricky to get all the angles lined up properly.

I finished the Scrap Tease quilt top.  I'm not really happy about the placement of colored strips but I didn't have an area to set it all out to prevent colors being close together,  It's going to be a picnic quilt so it doesn't really matter.   I've always had a sheet hung up for a design wall or a large space on the floor in my family room.  But, now that I've got my son and family living downstairs there is no place to spread out.

Since I have discovered how awkward block placement is right now - I'll choose projects that don't require that kind of thing.  (Like the Aunt Daisy quilt where all the blocks are the same.)

Last week at my quilt group "Bound Together" one of the ladies (whose house was where were meeting) showed us her stash and how she has been working hard to organize it.  She has a huge stash and is folding all the fabric into a uniform size.  I decided to try it with my messy shelves that have become my storage since moving upstairs.  So far I've done the purple and pink (I have tons more pink elsewhere) and I really like how it looks.  The surprise is how time consuming it is to do this because all the fabrics have to be pressed first.

I wonder if I do all the fabric . . . will I really keep it that tidy going forward?

 Hope your summer is fresh and pretty as these hollyhocks in my neighbors yard.  I just had to take a picture.  I love the color of pink.  It's interesting that no bees were there.  When I have had hollyhocks, the bees love them.


Exchange, quilt on the floor, autumn

  I have been working all week on an exchange we are having in my quilt group.  We are exchanging any size (mine are 12") pumpkin block...